HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the consideration of possible revisions to the Encampment Response Protocol and Safe Parking Program, Amendments to the County Code, and Possible Development of a Safe Sleeping Program, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Receive and file a presentation from staff regarding possible revisions to the Encampment Response Protocol;
b) Provide direction to staff to prepare amendments to the Encampment Response Protocol to reflect the following:
i) Reaffirm the Protocol provision which calls for identifying or providing alternative shelter before removing any encampment that does not exist in a waterway or present a threat to public health and safety;
ii) Remove the requirement to identify or provide alternative shelter before posting notices referencing the potential for enforcement of applicable County Ordinances to clear an encampment in any waterway or other areas where it presents a threat to public health and safety;
iii) Reduce, from 72 hours to 48 hours, the period of time during which notices are required to be posted regarding the removal of personal property from unauthorized encampment sites in the enforcement of applicable County Ordinances; and
iv) Reduce, from 90 days to 60 days, the duration of the County's commitment to store personal property removed from unauthorized encampment sites in the enforcement of applicable County ordinances;
c) Provide direction for Staff to prepare an ordinance amending the County Code to allow the Board to approve parking restrictions by Resolution rather than by Ordinance, and to delegate to direct the Road Commissioner authority to prepare a Resolution establish establishing parking restrictions along roadways directly adjacent to row crop agricultural operations;
d) Provide direction to staff to develop and return to the Board with options expanding the Safe Parking Program to increase participation by all cities within the County and maximize participation by p...
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