Consider recommendations regarding a First Amendment to the Independent Contractor Agreement with Rincon Consultants, Inc. for Emergency Management Geographic Information System (GIS) Professional Services (BC-23205), as follows:
a) Approve, ratify, and authorize the Chair to execute a First Amendment to the Independent Contractor Agreement with Rincon Consultants, Inc. to provide as-needed GIS Emergency Response Services. The original Agreement approved Rincon Professional Services for GIS-related emergency preparedness projects for a total contract amount not to exceed $130,276.00. This First Amendment establishes GIS Emergency Response Service request terms and conditions and provides reimbursement for requested GIS Emergency Response Services up to $15,000.00, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $145,276.00 for the period of February 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024; and
b) Determine that the activity is not a "Project" subject to California Environmental Quality Act...