Consider recommendations regarding the 2023 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Funds ($122,375.00) for Bomb Squad Equipment, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
a) Approve and authorize the County Executive Officer to execute an Inter-Local Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Santa Barbara and the County of Santa Barbara, an Inter-Local MOU between the City of Santa Maria and the County of Santa Barbara, and an Inter-Local MOU between the City of Lompoc and the County of Santa Barbara;
b) Authorize the Sheriff or his designee to execute a grant agreement with the United States Department of Justice, upon review and approval of County Counsel and the Auditor-Controller, or their designees, when the anticipated Justice Assistance Grant funding is awarded;
c) Approve Budget Revision Request No. 0009611 to establish appropriations of $15,200.00 in Sheriff's Office General Fund for Services and Supplies ($15,200.00) funded by Unanticipated Revenue from Intergovernmental Revenue - Federal;
d) Authorize the County Executive Officer to execute the “Certifications and Assurances by the Chief Executive of the Applicant Government” form no sooner than 30 days after the Board’s authorization of this action item; and
e) Find that the proposed action does not constitute a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to 14 CCR 15378 (b)(4), in that it involves government funding mechanisms and/or fiscal activities.