File #: 08-00131    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 2/1/2008 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 3/11/2008 Final action: 3/11/2008
Title: HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the County Jail - Northern Branch, AB 900 Proposal, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Make CEQA Findings for the project regarding potential alternatives, mitigation measures and impacts to public services, agricultural resources, and aesthetic/visual resources in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCN: 2007111099); b) Make a Statement of Overriding Consideration for the project (Attachment B) regarding identified impacts to public services, agricultural resources, and aesthetic/visual resources in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCN: 2007111099); c) Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Submission of the Application for Local Jail Construction Grant funds and Providing for the County's Participation in, and Other Assurances required under, Assembly Bill 900 (AB-900); and d) Authorize the Sheriff to sign and submit the application, and to enter into an agreement to accept an award on behalf of th...
Attachments: 1. Board Letter 2/12/08, 2. Board Letter 2/19/08 Addendum, 3. Resolution, 4. Proposal Form, 5. Board Letter 3/11/08, 6. Attachment A, 7. Attachment B, 8. Attachment C, 9. Attachment E, 10. AB 900 Proposal, 11. Attachmen F - Jail Needs Assessment
HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the County Jail - Northern Branch, AB 900 Proposal, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Make CEQA Findings for the project regarding potential alternatives, mitigation measures and impacts to public services, agricultural resources, and aesthetic/visual resources in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCN: 2007111099);
b) Make a Statement of Overriding Consideration for the project (Attachment B) regarding identified impacts to public services, agricultural resources, and aesthetic/visual resources in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCN: 2007111099);
c) Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Submission of the Application for Local Jail Construction Grant funds and Providing for the County's Participation in, and Other Assurances required under, Assembly Bill 900 (AB-900); and
d) Authorize the Sheriff to sign and submit the application, and to enter into an agreement to accept an award on behalf of the County of Santa Barbara, and for the Sheriff to make non-substantive changes to the draft for the final Proposal for Submission.
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