HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Petitions for Review of Mobile Home Rent Control Arbitrator Award for Nomad Village, Second District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS. 40 MIN.)
a) Consider the Petitions for Review of the arbitrator's December 20, 2011 Opinion and Award in the Matter of Arbitration Between Nomad Village Mobile Home Park and by Nomad Village Mobile Home Park Management filed by the Homeowners of Nomad Village Mobile Home Park and by Nomad Village Mobile Home Park Management;
b) Find that the arbitrator did not abuse his discretion and affirm the arbitrator's Opinion and Award and authorize the Chair to execute the final decision of the Board; or
c) Find that the arbitrator abused his discretion, and consider recommendations, as follows:
i) Reverse the arbitrator's decision in whole or in part and authorize the Chair to sign the final decision of the Board;
ii) Make a new decision without remand and authorize the Chair to sign the final decision of the Board; or
iii) Remand the case to the arbitrator for reconsideration and authorize the Chair to execute the final decision of the Board, and consider recommendations, as follows;
1) Consider whether to set a rehearing on any matters remanded by the Board;
d) Determine that the Board's review of the Arbitrator's Opinion and Award is not the approval of a project that is subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and
e) Approve the filing of a Notice of Exemption.