HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding public parking in high-fire danger areas, as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.)
a) Receive and file a staff report regarding public parking in high fire danger areas in the south coast foothills;
b) Determine that the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to exemptions found at 14 CCR 15301 and 14 CCR 15311(a);
c) Approve the filing of a Notice of Exemption;
d) Adopt a Resolution that designates Tunnel Road, north from Montrose Place to its terminus, as “No Parking” and a tow away zone during National Weather Service or County Fire Chiefs declared “Red Flag Warnings” in the area;
e) Direct staff to place permanent signage at trailheads in the unincorporated county to educate public about the risk of fire and open flame in the area;
f) Direct staff to work with other jurisdictions and agencies along the foothill areas with authority to encourage their jurisdictions to adopt similar Ordinances that restrict parking in high fire danger trail areas that have ingress/egress concerns during “Red Flag Fire Warnings”; and
g) Direct the Roads Commissioner to provide a copy and/or other needed documents to the Traffic Courts at his/her earliest convenience to advise them of the new program.