Consider recommendations regarding two Grant Deeds to abandon the Needlegrass Easements that were accepted on Recorded Tract No. 14,011 and approve Final Tract Map No. 14,681 (Wilks), Fourth District, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Grant Deed for the Reconveyance and Abandonment of Open Space Easement (Lot 8) which grants, transfers, and reconveys to Robert C. Wilks and Jackie C. Wilks that certain Needlegrass Conservation Easement area affecting APN 105-210-032 as determined by the County Planning Commission that the release of the easement is appropriate and complies with the original intend of the grant;
b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Grant Deed for the Reconveyance and Abandonment of Open Space Easement (Lots 15 and 16) which grants, transfers, and reconveys to Robert C. Wilks and Jackie C. Wilks that certain Needlegrass Conservation Easement area affecting APN 105-210-039 and APN 105-210-040 as determined by ...