File #: 08-00194    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 2/25/2008 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 3/11/2008 Final action: 3/11/2008
Title: HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the North County Jail Property Acquisition, owned by Agland Venture Capital Group, Inc., located on portions of two County Assessor Parcel Numbers: 113-210-004 and 113-210-013, in the incorporated area of the County of Santa Barbara, West Santa Maria, near the intersection of Betteravia Road and Black Road, Fourth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 20 MIN.) a) Make CEQA Findings for the project regarding potential alternatives, mitigation measures and impacts to public services, agricultural resources, and aesthetic/visual resources in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCN: 2007111099); b) Make a Statement of Overriding Consideration for the project regarding identified impacts to public services, agricultural resources, and aesthetic/visual resources in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCN: 2007111099); c) Accept the Planning Commission's report showing that acquisition of the proposed site for the 5...
Attachments: 1. Board Letter, 2. Board Letter / Attachments 3/11
HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the North County Jail Property Acquisition, owned by Agland Venture Capital Group, Inc., located on portions of two County Assessor Parcel Numbers: 113-210-004 and 113-210-013, in the incorporated area of the County of Santa Barbara, West Santa Maria, near the intersection of Betteravia Road and Black Road, Fourth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 20 MIN.)
a) Make CEQA Findings for the project regarding potential alternatives, mitigation measures and impacts to public services, agricultural resources, and aesthetic/visual resources in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCN: 2007111099);
b) Make a Statement of Overriding Consideration for the project regarding identified impacts to public services, agricultural resources, and aesthetic/visual resources in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCN: 2007111099);
c) Accept the Planning Commission's report showing that acquisition of the proposed site for the 50 acre jail facility is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the County of Santa Barbara pursuant to Government Code 65402; and
d)  Adopt the Resolution of Necessity to acquire approximately 50 acres in fee simple interest for the site of the North County jail facility and any related public improvements on a portion of property owned by Agland Venture Capital Group, Inc.
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