Consider recommendations regarding a Real Property Purchase Contract and Deed for the Tepusquet Road Mile Post 5.9, Folio No. 003602, Fifth District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Real Property Purchase Contract And Escrow Instructions (Permanent Easement) with Thomas A. Rees, as Trustee of the Rees Family Trust Dated May 15, 1992, for a permanent roadway and slope easement over a portion of 3201 Tepusquet Road, Santa Maria, APN 131-210-019, in the amount of $2,350.00;
b) Accept the Permanent Easement Deed to the real property conveyed from Thomas A. Rees, as Trustee of the Rees Family Trust Dated May 15, 1992 to the County of Santa Barbara for a portion of land located on the property known as 3201 Tepusquet Road, APN 131-210-019; and
c) Authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the Certificate of Acceptance.