HEARING - Consider the following recommendations forwarded by the Legislative Program Committee: (EST. TIME: 25 MIN.)
a) Adopt the County’s Federal Legislative priorities for the 108th Congressional Session:
Comprehensive Advocacy Issues:
CDBG Entitlement Status – Continued Advocacy
TEA-21 Transportation Project Funding – Continued Advocacy
Emergency Operations Center Funding – Continued Advocacy
Gaviota Coast Funding for conservation easements and/or acquisition – New Advocacy - may be linked to Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) which was previously an advocacy issue
Lake Cachuma surcharge impacts – New Advocacy
Monitor and Reporting Issues:
Beach / Shore Erosion Programs – Continued Monitoring & Reporting
Emerging Opportunities – New Monitoring & Reporting with direction to Waterman and Associates to specifically seek federal housing funding opportunities
Leave the 3rd monitoring and reporting issue unspecified pending a discussion with Waterman and Associates regarding Indian Lands Fee-to-Trust issues;
b) Continue to seek an amendment to Public Resources Code Section (PRC) 6817(b), to allow the County to receive a 20% share of state revenue for the extraction of oil, gas, and hydrocarbons, from tideland leases within the County. Funding would be used to offset the impacts to the County from existing leases. Direct staff to work with Governmental Advocates to find an author to sponsor the amendment or to seek to insert the amendment into an existing bill. (Attachment 2);
c) Approve in concept a proposal to seek an amendment to State Law governing the definition of financial assistance (housing subsidy) to households of moderate income to include households with incomes up to 200% of the area median for certain tight housing market areas. Direct County Counsel, Housing and Community Development Director and Planning and Development Director to further develop the concept and once finalized to work with le...
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