HEARING - Consider the Goller Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone of the gas station property from CH8 to C2 (Case Nos. 02GPA-00000-00001 and 02RZN-00000-00002), located southwest of the intersection of Highway 166 & Perkins Road, known as 5007 Highway 166 (APN 149-021-001), New Cuyama area, Fifth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Adopt the required findings for the project including CEQA findings specified in Attachment A of the Board Letter dated June 13, 2003;
b) Accept the exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b,3), included in Attachment B of the Planning Commission Staff Report dated May 8, 2003;
c) Adopt a resolution and approve 02GPA-00000-00001 designating the subject property as General Commercial (C) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element, Cuyama Valley Area (COMP-9) map specified in Attachment B of the Board Letter dated June 13, 2003;
d) Adopt an ordinance and approve 02RZN-00000-00002 to rezone the subject property as Retail Commercial (C-2) under the Article III Zoning Ordinance, specified in Attachment C of the Board Letter dated June 13, 2003.
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