Consider recommendations regarding the acceptance of offsite sewer easements for Key Site 3, Fourth District, as follows:
Acting as the Board of Directors, Laguna County Sanitation District:
a) Accept the easement deed from Rami Zakour, owner of APN 129-290-008, and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the certificate of acceptance;
b) Accept the easement deed from Gustavo and Nancy Zepeda, owners of APN 129-290-009, and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the certificate of acceptance;
c) Accept the easement deed from Gary and Cherylee Crabtree, owners of APN 129-290-010, and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the certificate of acceptance;
d) Accept the easement deed from Gary and Cherylee Crabtree, owners of APN 129-290-011, and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the certificate of acceptance;
e) Accept the easement deed from Wayne and Dixie Allen, owners of APN 129-290-012, and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the certificate of acceptance;
f) Accept the easement deed from Miguel and Gabriella Guerra, owners of APN 129-290-013, and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the certificate of acceptance; and
g) Find that the proposed action does not constitute a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to 14 CCR 15378(b)(5), in that it is a government administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.