Consider recommendations regarding acceptance of unanticipated revenue for the Office of Early Care & Education, First 5 Santa Barbara County, as follows:
a) Accept $105,000 from the Orfalea Family Foundation designated for the Fifth Annual Spruce Up For Kids Day, May 21 2005, and approve the budget revision establishing revenue and expenditure accounts earmarked for the Spruce Up For Kids Day program;
b) Accept $56,000 from the Orfalea Family Foundation designated for the Preschool for All initiative, and approve budget revision establishing revenue and expenditure accounts earmarked for the Preschool for All Grant;
c) Accept $12,000 from the Orfalea Family Foundation designated for the execution of a feasibility study for Grace Child Care Center, and approve budget revision establishing revenue and expenditure accounts earmarked for the execution of a feasibility study for Grace Child Care Center;
d) Accept $66,500 ($33,250 for FY 2004-2005) from the Low Income Investment Fund designated for the Constructing Connections grant, and approve budget revision establishing revenue and expenditure accounts earmarked for the Constructing Connections Project;
e) Accept $9,000 from the Santa Barbara City Community Development Block Grant designated for the Office of Early Care & Education, First 5 (OEC&E) Stipends for Training and Retention (STAR) Project, and approve budget revision establishing revenue and expenditure accounts earmarked for the Office of Early Care & Education STAR Project;
f) Accept $6,000 from the Santa Barbara County Child Care Planning Council in support of county-wide child care coordination activities, and approve budget revision establishing revenue and expenditure accounts earmarked for the support of the Office of Early Care & Education, First 5 Santa Barbara County.
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