Consider recommendations regarding an amendment to the Landscaping Service Contract with Brightview Landscaping Services, Inc. for all County Parks, as follows:
a) Approve, ratify, and authorize the Chair to execute a First Amendment to the Landscaping Service Contract with Brightview Landscaping Services, Inc. (BC 20229) increasing the total contract amount by $26,475.00 for a total amended contract amount not to exceed $348,261.00. This contract currently provides landscape maintenance services to 18 Community Services Department parks and open spaces located throughout the County for a period of eighteen (15) months beginning April 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022; and
b) Determine that the above recommended action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301 as the action involves the maintenance of existing public facilities that will result in no or negligible expansion of existing use.