HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the County Planning Commission’s January 19, 2011 recommendation for the approval of the Makela Rezone project, Case No. 08RZN-00000-00010 for APN 081-230-028, known as 12477 Calle Real, Gaviota area, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.)
a) Make the required findings for the proposed rezone, Case No. 08RZN-00000-00010, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings;
b) Determine that the project, Case No. 08RZN-00000-00010, is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the Guidelines for Implementation of California Environmental Quality Act;
c) Adopt a Rezone Ordinance for APN 081-230-028; and
d) Subsequently amend the current County Inland Zoning Map, to reflect the Rezone from “U” to “AG-II-100”, subject to the Conditions of Approval.