HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the County Planning Commission's recommendations to follow the procedures outlined below, and approve Case Nos. 24GPA-00003, 24GPA-00004, 24GPA-00005, 24RZN-00001, 24RZN-00002, 24ORD-00007, 24ORD-00008, and 23EIR-0004 to implement select Programs of the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update and approve rezone sites and select County-owned sites to accommodate the County's Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) plus the 15 percent buffer for the lower- and moderate-income levels, as follows:
a) Make the required findings for approval of the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update Rezone Amendments, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations;
b) Certify the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (County Environmental Document No. 23EIR-00004, State Clearinghouse No. 022070490), and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program;
c) Approve the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update Rezone Amendments, thereby selecting sufficient rezone sites to help accommodate the County's 2023-2031 RHNA plus a 15 percent buffer for the lower-and moderate-income levels, by taking the following actions:
i) Adopt a Resolution amending the text and maps of the Land Use Element (Case No. 24GPA-00003), including community and area plans, as applicable, of the Santa Barbara County Comprehensive Plan;
ii) Adopt a Resolution amending the text of the Circulation Element (Case No. 24GPA-00005) of the Santa Barbara County Comprehensive Plan;
iii) Consider the adoption of an Ordinance amending the Santa Barbara County Zoning Map (Case No. 24RZN-00001) of the County Land Use and Development Code to rezone select parcels;
iv) Consider the adoption of an Ordinance amending the zoning regulations of the County Land Use and Development Code (Case No. 24ORD-00007), Section 35-1 of Chapter 35, Zoning, of the Santa Barbara County Code;
v) Adopt a Re...
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