HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Olson Appeal, Case No. 12APL-00000-00014, of Planning Commission Approval of the Trust for Public Land/Devereux Creek Properties Lot Split, Case Nos. 11TPM-00000-00007 and 12CDH-00000-00009, located at 6925 Whittier Drive, in the Goleta area, APN 073-090-062, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Deny the appeal, Case No. 12APL-00000-00014, thereby upholding the County Planning Commission's approval of the project;
b) Make the required findings for approval of the project specified including CEQA findings;
c) Determine the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Sections 15315 and 15301(l)(1) of the State Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act;
d ) Approve de novo the lot split, Case No. 11TPM-00000-00007, subject to the conditions; and
e) Approve de novo the Coastal Development Permit for demolition of an employee dwelling, Case No. 12CDH-00000-00009, subject to the conditions; and
f) Refer back to staff if the Board takes an action other than the recommended action for appropriate findings and conditions.