Consider recommendations regarding Dos Pueblos Ranch Agricultural Preserve Contract, Gaviota Coast area, Third District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Agricultural Preserve Replacement Contract 12AGP-00000-00028, consisting of two legal parcels of 1,693.5-acres and 310-acres; this Contract is comprised of six APNs: 079-040-005 (160 acres), a portion of 079-060-065 (150 acres), 079-060-066 (997 acres), 079-080-034 (514.5 acres), 081-240-018 (47 acres), and a portion of 079-090-030 (135 acres), with a total 2,003.5-acres, located at 100-695 North Dos Pueblos Canyon Road, in the Gaviota Coast area;
b) Execute a Contract, creating Agricultural Preserve 12AGP-00000-00028;
c) Authorize recordation by the Clerk of the Board; and,
d) Find that the proposed action is an administrative activity of the County which will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment and is therefore not a "project" as defined for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5).