HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the appeal filed by John Salentine, the appellant, of the County Planning Commission's de novo approval of the Brown Grading and Horse Arena Project, Case No. 07LUP-00000-00830, located at 1215 Franklin Ranch Road (AP No. 077-030-013) in the Goleta Community Plan, Second District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Uphold the appeal, Case No. 12APL-00000-00006, thereby overturning the County Planning Commission's denial of the Salentine appeal, case number 11APL-00000-00021, and its de novo approval of 07LUP-00000-00830;
b) Make the required findings for denial of the project, including CEQA findings;
c) Determine that denial of the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15270;
d) Deny the project, Case No. 07LUP-00000-00830 de novo; and
e) Refer back to staff if the Board takes an action other than the recommended action for appropriate findings and conditions.