Consider recommendations regarding Agricultural/Weights and Measures Inspector Positions and License Incentive, as follows:
a) Approve the side letter between Service Employees International Union, Local 620 and the County of Santa Barbara regarding the terms and conditions applicable to the Agricultural/Weights and Measures Inspector I/II/II positions, and Deputy Agricultural Commissioner or Deputy Sealer License incentive pay;
b) Adopt a Resolution to establish the classifications of Agricultural/Weights and Measures Inspector I/II/III positions (Inspector I, Class No. 0330, Range No. 0330, $24.160 to $29.494 per hour; Inspector II, Class 0331, Range 0331, $28.030 to $34.219 per hour; and, Inspector III, Class 0332, Range 0332, $30.980 to $37.820 per hour);
c) Adopt a Resolution to amend the Management Personnel Benefits Policy to provide for a 2.5% incentive pay for Agricultural Commissioner License or Sealer of Weights and Measures License for certain management positions, and to describe the vehicle allowance and deduction policies that apply to managers; and
d) Determine pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(4) that the above action is a government fiscal activity which does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment, and therefore is not a project subject to environmental review.