Consider recommendations regarding the Santa Barbara Main Jail Renovation Project - Award Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for Architectural Design Programming, Project No. 20041, Second District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the PSA with Nacht and Lewis, a Sacramento, CA, corporation, to provide professional programming services to develop scope and planning for the Main Jail Renovation project, located at 4436 Calle Real, Santa Barbara, CA, in an amount not to exceed $1,263,795.00;
b) Authorize the General Services Director or designee to approve change orders for a 10% contingency amount up to $126,379.50 for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $1,390,174.50;
c) Delegate authority to the General Services Director, or designee, to act on behalf of the County to adjust milestone dates within the established term of the Professional Services Agreement, Exhibit F as necessary; and
d) Find that the proposed action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15262 as a feasibility and planning study for possible future actions that have not been approved, adopted, or funded, and direct staff to file a notice of exemption on that basis.