Consider recommendations regarding submittal to the California Coastal Commission for Certification of the Article II Coastal Zoning Ordinance Mobilehome Park Closure Ordinance Amendment, Coastal Land Use Plan/Goleta Community Plan Land Use Map Multi-Family Residential Land Use Designation Amendment, and Article II Coastal Zoning Ordinance High-Density Student Residential (SR-H) Zone District Amendment and Rezone, as follows:
a) Adopt a Resolution submitting a mobilehome park closure Ordinance amendment, multi-family residential land use designation amendment, and SR-H zone district amendment and rezone; and
b) Direct staff to submit the following Local Coastal Program amendments to the California Coastal Commission for certification:
i) An Ordinance, Case No. 11ORD-00000-00018, amending Article II, the Santa Barbara County Coastal Zoning Ordinance, of Chapter 35, Zoning, of the Santa Barbara County Code by amending definitions, general regulations, and administration to implement new regulations and make other minor clarifications, corrections, and revisions regarding mobilehome park closures;
ii) A Resolution, Case No. 11GPA-00000-00004, to amend the Coastal Land Use Plan by adopting an amendment to the Goleta Planning Area Land Use Map of the Goleta Community Plan by changing the land use designation on Assessor Parcel Number 075-020-005 from Multi-Family Residential, 20 units per acre, to Multi-Family Residential, 30 units per acre; and
iii) An Ordinance, Case No. 11ORD-00000-00034, and Rezone, Case No. 11RZN-00000-00003, amending Article II, the Santa Barbara County Coastal Zoning Ordinance, of Chapter 35, Zoning, of the Santa Barbara County Code by amending the text of Section 35-77, SR-H Zone District, to establish a new density of 30 units per acre and establish new criteria to apply to parcels rezoned to said density, and by amending the Goleta Community Plan Zoning Southern Section Zoning Map to rezone APN 075-020-005 from SR-H-20 to SR-H-30.