HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding proposed fee adjustments for Santa Barbara County Courthouse grounds special use, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Adopt a Resolution establishing special use fees at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse grounds;
b) Authorize the Community Services Director to include additional staffing fees for facility use at the current hourly billable rate, and charge a security deposit up to $1,500.00; and
c) Approve the filing of a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, Section 15273a (1), (2), (3), (4), finding that the Resolution is statutorily exempt from CEQA because CEQA does not apply to the establishment, modification, structuring, restructuring, or approval of rates, tolls, fares, or other charges by public agencies which the public agency finds are for the purpose of the following:
i) Meeting operating expenses, including employee wage rates and fringe benefits;
ii) Purchasing or leasing supplies, equipment, or materials;
iii) Meeting financial reserve needs and requirements; and
iv) Obtaining funds for capital projects, necessary to maintain service within existing service areas.