Consider recommendations regarding establishing Benefit Assessments for County Service Areas 3, 31, and the Santa Barbara North County Lighting District, as follows:
Acting as the governing authority of County Service Area 3, County Service Area 31 and the Santa Barbara North County Lighting District:
a) Adopt a Resolution setting a Departmental Hearing on May 13, 2025 to establish benefit assessments for County Service Area 3, County Service Area 31 and the Santa Barbara North County Lighting District; and
(Set a hearing for May 13, 2025. Time estimate: 15 minutes)
b) At the Departmental Hearing on May 13, 2025 consider recommendations, as follows:
i) Receive and file Benefit Assessment Reports for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for County Service Area 3, County Service Area 31, and the Santa Barbara North County Lighting District with the Clerk of the Board;
ii) Adopt a Resolution establishing streetlighting charges (no changes proposed), for County Service Areas 3 for Fiscal Year 2025-2026;
iii) Adopt a Resolution establishing streetlighting charges (no changes proposed), for County Service Areas 31 for Fiscal Year 2025-2026;
iv) Do not establish the benefit assessments (set to zero) in those portions of the Santa Barbara North County Lighting District authorized to do so for Fiscal Year 2025-2026; and
v) Determine that the above actions are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CCR 14 Section 15273(a)(1),(2),(3) and (4) of the State CEQA Guidelines because they are for the establishment of benefit assessment rates for services provided by County Service Areas 3 and 31, that no expansion of services or facilities will result, that revenues will be used for meeting operating expenses and financial reserve needs and requirements, and approve the filing of a Notice of Exemption on that basis.