Consider recommendations regarding the Cloud Seeding Program for 2004-05, as follows:
a) Concur with the Planning and Development Department's finding that CEQA Section 15164 is applicable to 00-ND-29 and that this document is adequate to meet the requirements of CEQA for the Santa Barbara County-Twitchell Reservoir Cloud Seeding Program;
b) Approve the 2004-05 Cloud Seeding Program and authorize the Chair to execute an agreement with North American Weather Consultants. Inc. (not a local vendor) for cloud seeding for the period of October 19, 2004 through June 30, 2005 unless earlier terminated, in an amount not to exceed $241,415;
c) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Extension and Renewal of Lease Agreements with the following property owners for ground based cloud seeding activities for the period of November 1, 2004 through October 31, 2005:
Joseph M. Graham, et al, in for the amount of $600;
Clear Channel Santa Barbara, in the amount of $600;
Young America's Foundation, in the amount of $1,200;
Earl J. Dolcini, in the amount of $900;
Goleta Water District (Corona Del Mar facility) at no charge.
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