HEARING - Consider recommendations of the County Planning Commission regarding the Cavaletto Tree Farm Residential Housing Project, Case Nos. 01GPA-00000-00009, 01RZN-00000-00015, 08DVP-00000-00012, 09TRM-00000-00001, and 09RDN-00000-00001, located at 555 Las Perlas Drive in the Goleta area, Second District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS.)
a) Make the required findings for the project, including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings;
b) Certify the Environmental Impact Report, 11EIR-00000-00002, and adopt the mitigation monitoring program contained in the conditions of approval;
c) Approve an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan land use designation for APNs 069-100-006, -051, -054, and -057 from A-I-5 to RES-4.6 and an amendment to the inland zoning map for the subject parcels from AG-I-5 to DR-4.6;
d) Approve the project, 01GPA-00000-00009, 01RZN-00000-00015, 08DVP-00000-00012, 09TRM-00000-00001, and 09RDN-00000-00001, subject to the conditions of approval;
e) Accept the offer of dedication of Parcel C of Tract No. 11,504 in order to accommodate a road between Avenida Pequena and the Tree Farm project site; and
f) Consider the recommendation from the County Planning Commission that the Board of Supervisors collect 100% of the Parks fees assessed to the project, and not grant the 50% credit requested by the applicant.