Consider recommendations regarding Abedi - Apartment Building Partial Demolition Emergency Permit 15EMP-00000-00004, Third District, as follows:
a) Receive and file a report on Emergency Permit 15EMP-00000-00004, which authorized the partial demolition of an apartment building and erection of a new structural end wall for public safety on the subject property (6625 Del Playa Drive, Isla Vista, APN 075-202-046);
b) Determine that issuance of the Emergency Permit is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant CEQA Guideline section 15269(c), as this action was necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency; and
c) Determine that receiving and filing this report is not a project pursuant to CEQA Guideline section 15378(b)(5), as it is an administrative government activity that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment.