Consider recommendations of the County and Montecito Planning Commissions to approve Case No. 13ORD-00000-00001, which would amend Santa Barbara County Code Chapter 21 Land Division, to create Agricultural Buffer Regulations that are intended to minimize land use conflicts between agriculture and new non-agricultural uses and development, as follows:
a) Make the findings for approval, including CEQA findings, of the proposed Ordinance;
b) Find that pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15162, no substantial changes are proposed and no new information of substantial importance has come to light regarding environmental effects of the project or of the sufficiency or feasibility of mitigation measures, and therefore these actions are within the scope of the Agricultural Buffer Ordinance project covered by the Negative Declaration (11NGD-00000-00004) approved and adopted by the Board for the Agricultural Buffer Ordinance project on April 9, 2013, and that therefore no new environmental document is required; and
c) Consider the adoption (second reading) an Ordinance (Case No. 13ORD-00000-00001), amending Chapter 21, Land Division, of the Santa Barbara County Code.