Consider recommendations regarding a new scope of work for the California Home Visiting Program (CHVP) State General Fund Innovation Award for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Public Health Department Director to accept a new Scope of Work for FY 2022-2023 for the CHVP State General Fund Innovation Agreement with the California Department of Public Health in the amount not to exceed $1,714,974.00 for a three-year period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023; and
b) Determine that the recommended action is not a "project" and is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review per CEQA Guideline Section 15378(b)(4), since the recommended action is a government fiscal activity which does not involve commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment.