HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding New County Jail Planning Study as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS. 30 MIN.)
a) Receive and file the study regarding a new $153 million jail at the Laguna County Sanitation District site as well as alternatives for relieving short-term jail overcrowding per direction of the Board on April 12, 2005.
b) Authorize the County Executive Officer and Sheriff to contract with an expert polling firm to conduct a survey about the potential of a countywide ballot measure(s) to provide funding for a new jail and return to the Board with recommendations.
i) Approve a Budget Revision transferring $40,000 from Vehicle License Fee (VLF) repayment revenue to General County Programs to fund the survey.
c) Authorize the County Executive Officer and Sheriff to obtain an option to buy up to approximately 232 acres at the Laguna Sanitation District site for consideration by the Board. Additionally, authorize the County Executive Officer and Sheriff to undertake due diligence analysis preliminary to a final decision regarding site acquisition (eg: environmental review, real property services, appraisal and surveyor costs).
i) Approve a Budget Revision transferring $185,000 from VLF repayment revenue to the Sheriff's Capital (Jail) Budget to fund the due diligence analysis.
ii)Approve a Budget Revision transferring $ 2 million from VLF repayment revenue to the General Fund Capital Designation in order to set aside funds for the potential purchase of land at the Laguna Sanitation District site.
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