HEARING - Consider the appeal of Jeff Hopson of the Planning Commission's May 8, 2002 approval of the Harp Springs Project (98-DP-017, TM 14,478, 02APL-00000-00018), located at the terminus of Harp Road, Orcutt, Fourth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR. 30 MIN.)
a) Approve the Addendum to Environmental Impact Report 95-EIR-01 (revised in the Board Letter dated April 8, 2003) and find that together with 95-EIR-01 it is adequate to comply with the requirements for environmental review of the project;
b) Adopt the required findings for the project (revised in the Board Letter dated April 8, 2003) specified in the Planning Commission action letter dated May 17, 2002;
c) Approve TM 14,478 and 98-DP-017 subject to the conditions included in the Planning Commission action letter dated May 17, 2002, as revised by the Board;
d) Adopt the mitigation monitoring and reporting plan contained within the conditions of approval;
e) Approve road naming, 98-RN-010, to name the public roadways Hollysprings Lane and Cosima Court;
f) Deny the appeal of Jeff Hopson.
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