HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Four Seasons Biltmore Hotel appeal of the Montecito Planning Commission's partial approval of the Dilworth/Anton Appeal of the Planning & Development Department's approval of an amendment of the Development Plan under case numbers 04APL-00000-00026 (Dilworth/Anton Appeal) and 04AMD-00000-00001 (Development Plan Amendment), regarding limited public use of the hotel's existing health spa, in addition to use by overnight hotel guests, and a reduction of four guest rooms from the maximum number allowed under the Development Plan (from 236 to 232), Montecito area, First District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS.)
a) Adopt the required findings for the project specified in the Montecito Planning Commission's Action Letter dated January 10, 2005,
b) Accept the CEQA Exemption included in the Staff Memo to the Montecito Planning Commission dated December 3, 2004;
c) Deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Montecito Planning Commission to partially approve 04APL-00000-00026, subject to the conditions of approval set forth in the Montecito Planning Commission's Action Letter dated January 10, 2005.
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