Consider recommendations regarding the Santa Ynez Valley Airport CARES Act Grant Acceptance, Third District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Director of General Services to execute the Federal Aviation Administration Airport Rescue Grant Offer No. 3-06-0243-022-2022 for the Santa Ynez Airport, in the amount of $32,000.00;
b) Ratify the Airport Rescue Grant Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 in the amount of $32,000.00 to provide funding for costs related to operations, personnel, cleaning, sanitization, and janitorial services, combating the spread of pathogens at the Santa Ynez Valley Airport as a result of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency; and
c) Find that the proposed contract does not constitute a "Project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 CCR 15378 (b)(5) (Organizational or administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment) and 14 CCR 1...