Consider recommendations regarding Northern Branch Jail Project, Amendment No. 3 to T.Y.R. Inc. and Kitchell CEM, Inc. Amendment No. 5, Third District, as follows:
a) Approve, ratify and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 3 to the Contract with T.Y.R. Inc. of Costa Mesa, CA, to extend services through the revised contract term and to increase the maximum compensation limit from $816,853.00 to $892,944.00 (an increase of $76,091.00) for Construction Inspector/ Inspector of Record Services for Santa Barbara County Northern Branch Jail Project No. 8600;
b) Approve, ratify and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 5 to the Professional Services Agreement (Agreement) for Construction Management, Commissioning, Architectural and Engineering Professional Services with Kitchell/CEM, Inc., to extend services through the revised contract term and to increase compensation by $607,819.00 for those Additional Services, including $216,369.00 in extended construction management services, $379,450.00 for architectural and engineering services, and $12,000.00 for Commissioning Services, for a new total contract maximum amount not to exceed $5,190,508.00; and
c) After considering the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR), State Clearinghouse No. 2007111099, that the Board of Supervisors certified on March 11, 2008, the December 6, 2011 SEIR addendum, and the October 8, 2013 SEIR addendum, determine pursuant to 14 CCR Section 15162(a) that no subsequent EIR or Negative Declaration is required for this project because: i) No substantial changes are proposed in the project which require major revisions of the 2008 Final Subsequent EIR; ii) No substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which require major revisions of the 2008 Final Subsequent EIR; and iii) No new information of substantial importance concerning the project's significant effects or mitigation measures, which was not ...
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