Consider recommendations regarding Terms and Conditions of Employment: Service Employees International Union, Local 721, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
a) Approve a 5% wage increase effective August 17, 2015 for employees in the Eligibility Worker job classification series per the tentative agreement between the County and the Service Employees International Union, Local 721;
b) Approve the Budget Revision Request No. 0004185 to increase appropriations by $967,933.00 in the Department of Social Services, Social Services Fund, for Salaries and Benefits funded by, unanticipated revenue - Federal ($117,242.00), use of Social Services Restricted Fund Balance ($124,890.00), use of Social Services Committed Fund Balance ($116,490.00) and an operating transfer from the General Fund ($609,311.00) and establish appropriations of $609,311.00 in the General County Programs Department, General Fund, for Other Financing Uses funded by a release of Committed Fund Balance;
c) Approve a provision in the tentative agreement with the Service Employees International Union, Local 721 to provide a bank of 32 hours of paid leave time to all employees in job classifications represented by the union, effective as soon as practicable, related to office holiday closure; and
d) Determine that these actions are exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review as it is not a project pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378 (b) (2).