Consider recommendations regarding the award of Job Order Contracts (JOC), as follows:
a) Approve the plans and specifications for the JOCs on file with General Services Capital Projects;
b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the General Building Construction JOC A, with an initial Maximum Contract Value of up to $1,000,000.00, to Newton Construction and Management, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder with an Award Criteria Figure (ACF) composite adjustment factor of .915;
c) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the General Building Construction JOC B, with an initial Maximum Contract Value of up to $1,000,000.00, to Exbon Development, Inc., the next lowest responsible bidder with an ACF composite adjustment factor of .9164;
d) Authorize the Director of General Services, or their designee, to award the following categories of job orders under the JOCs (subject to the authorized contract limits, appropriation of funds for the projects, and the provision of adequate bonds and other security for completing the project), and to take any action in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 20128.5 with respect to the job order contracting:
i) Deferred maintenance projects included in the Potential JOC Deferred Maintenance Projects List;
ii) Repair, remodeling, or other repetitive work eligible for job order contracting in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 20128.5 that has been included in a County department's approved annual budget; and
iii) Repair, remodeling, or other repetitive work eligible for job order contracting in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 20128.5 for which funding has been approved pursuant to a Budget Revision Request;
e) Authorize the Director of General Services, or their designee, to increase the Maximum Contract Value up to $4,904,581.00 in order to facilitate only those projects for which the Board has appropriated funding; and
f) Find that the proposed actions are administrative or other...
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