Consider recommendations regarding a farming license for San Ysidro Farms, Inc. (SYFI), on Flood Control Property in San Luis Obispo County (R/P File No.: 003834), as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
Acting as the Board of Directors, Flood Control and Water Conservation District:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the License Agreement (License) between SYFI and the Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) for SYFI's right to farm 2.6 acres on a portion of the District's land located in San Luis Obispo County, for a period of three years, with one option to extend the License upon mutual consent for an additional three years, at an annual fee of Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3,250.00); and
b) Determine that the proposed activities are exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15304, Minor Alterations to Land, since it consists of minor public or private alterations in the land ...