File #: 20-00614    Version: 1
Type: Administrative Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 8/7/2020 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 8/18/2020 Final action: 8/18/2020
Title: Consider recommendations regarding the 2019 Urban Streams Restoration Program (USRP) Grant Acceptance, First District, as follows: Acting as the Board of Directors, Flood Control and Water Conservation District: a) Approve and adopt a Resolution entitled, "In the Matter of Endorsing and Accepting an Urban Streams Restoration Program Grant" for the San Ysidro Debris Basin Improvement Project to: i) Approve South Coast Habitat Restoration as the Project Co-sponsor for the Urban Streams Restoration Program Grant for the San Ysidro Debris Basin Improvement Project; ii) Approve and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to accept and execute a grant agreement, in an amount up to the total awarded grant, upon the review and concurrence of County Counsel, Risk Management, and the Auditor-Controller, and subsequent agreements or amendments required to receive the grant monies for the Project; iii) Designate the Engineering Manager or designee as the Project Manager, Contract M...
Attachments: 1. Board Letter, 2. Attachment A - Map, 3. Attachment B - Resolution, 4. Attachment C - Sample of Funding Agreement with DWR, 5. Attachment D- MOU, 6. Adopted Resolution, 7. Executed MOU, 8. Minute Order



Consider recommendations regarding the 2019 Urban Streams Restoration Program (USRP) Grant Acceptance, First District, as follows: 


Acting as the Board of Directors, Flood Control and Water Conservation District:


a) Approve and adopt a Resolution entitled, “In the Matter of Endorsing and Accepting an Urban Streams Restoration Program Grant” for the San Ysidro Debris Basin Improvement Project to:


i) Approve South Coast Habitat Restoration as the Project Co-sponsor for the Urban Streams Restoration Program Grant for the San Ysidro Debris Basin Improvement Project;


ii) Approve and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to accept and execute a grant agreement, in an amount up to the total awarded grant, upon the review and concurrence of County Counsel, Risk Management, and the Auditor-Controller,  and subsequent agreements or amendments required to receive the grant monies for the Project;


iii) Designate the Engineering Manager or designee as the Project Manager, Contract Manager, and Fiscal Agent for the Project; and


iv) Authorize the Project Manager, or designee, to manage the grant agreement, including the submission of invoice, providing management and support services required for performance of work, and administration of the agreement;


b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Memorandum of Understanding between the Flood Control District as Project Sponsor, and South Coast Habitat Restoration as Co-Sponsor, for the USRP Grant for the Project; and


c) Find that pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15162, no new effects will occur and no new mitigation measures would be required as a result of the San Ysidro Debris Basin Improvement Project, which this grant is for, and therefore pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15168 (c)(2), that the 2017 Updated Debris Basin Removal and Modification Plan is within the scope of the project covered by the Program Environmental Impact Report for the Updated Routine Maintenance Program (01-EIR-01) approved in 2001, and no new environmental document is required.