HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the request of the Central Coast Water Authority to approve Amendment 21 (Water Management Amendment) to the State Water Contract, as follows: (EST. TIME: 40 MIN.)
Acting as the Board of Directors, Flood Control and Water Conservation District:
a) Approve and adopt a Resolution entitled “A Resolution to Approve Water Management Tools Amendment (Amendment 21) to State Water Project Water Supply Contract subject to Certain Limitations to Maintain Local Water Supply” that establishes conditions of use of Amendment 21 to protect and secure water supplies for the entire County;
b) Approve and authorize the Public Works Director to sign and execute Amendment 21 with the State of California and return to the Board with any such transactions involving a sale of State Water outside the County, only after such conditions set forth in the above Resolution are met; and
c) Determine that the proposed actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5), organization or administrative activities that will not result in a direct or indirect physical change in the environment.