Set a hearing to consider recommendations regarding the OASIS Meeting Center Project, Case Nos. 14GPA-00000-00020, 16RMM-00000-00001, 16CUP-00000-00006, 16DVP-00000-00002, 16LLA-00000-00004, 17CUP-00000-00013, 18GOV-00000-00005, Fourth District, as follows:
(Set a hearing for December 7, 2021. Time estimate: 1 hour 30 minutes)
a) Make the required findings for approval of the project, including modifications to the parking requirements, and including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings;
b) Certify the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (Case No. 19EIR-00000-00003), as modified by the EIR Revision Letter, pursuant to the State Guidelines for Implementation of the CEQA, including making the CEQA findings and the statement of overriding considerations, and adopt the mitigation monitoring program contained in the Conditions of Approval;
c) Adopt a Resolution amending the Comprehensive Plan (Case No. 14GPA-00000-00020) and revising the Orcutt Community Plan (OCP) as summarized below:
i) Revise the text of OCP Development Standard KS18-1 to allow portions of APNs 105-020-063 and 105-020-064 to be developed for non-profit meeting facilities;
ii) Amend the OCP Open Space Area Map by removing the "Open Space Area" designation from APNs 105-020-063 and 105-020-064;
iii) Amend the OCP Parks, Recreation and Trails (PRT) Map by removing the "Proposed Public Park" designation from APNs 105-020-063 and 105-020-064, and by depicting the proposed trail realignment;
iv) Amend the OCP Bikeways Map to allow an approximately 300-foot section of the proposed OCP Orcutt Creek Trail's Class I bike path to be a Class II, striped bike lane; and
v) Amend the OCP Figure KS18-1 to reflect the above changes to the Open Space Map, Parks, Recreation and Trails Map and Bikeways Map to ensure consistency with the OCP;
d) Approve a Recorded Map Modification (Case No. 16RMM-00000-00001) to modify two conditions and two recorded maps, specifically: TM 12,679 Conditio...
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