Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 4/12/2011 9:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleResultAction DetailsVideo
11-00286 A-1)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring the St. Joseph Girls Basketball Team for their outstanding accomplishment in winning the CIF Division III State Championship trophy.Pass Action details Not available
11-00297 A-2)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution proclaiming the week of April 10, 2011 through April 16, 2011 as National Crime Victims’ Rights Week in Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
11-00298 A-3)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring the California Native Plant Society in celebration of California Native Plant Week, April 17, 2011 through April 23, 2011.Pass Action details Not available
11-00239 A-4)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution proclaiming the week of May 1, 2011 through May 7, 2011 as Elks National Youth Week in Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
11-00288 A-5)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the impoundment of various taxing entities’ 2010-2011 property tax revenue, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Auditor-Controller to impound $1,088,540.00 of 2010-2011 current year taxes from various entities’ property tax revenues as noted on Schedule A to mitigate potential losses from large assessment appeals filed by taxpayers; and b) Determine that the decision to approve and authorize the impoundment is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(3) and 15378(b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines, because it is a government fiscal activity which does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical effect on the environment.Pass Action details Not available
11-00289 A-6)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Santa Maria Courthouse Hazard Mitigation Program, Project No. 8518, Fifth District, as follows: a) Grant the low bidder’s, Color New Co., request for relief from their bid due to a clerical mistake, without forfeiture of bid bond; b) Find that the bid of the second lowest bidder, Tomar Construction Inc., is non-responsive to the bidding documents; c) Award a fixed price Construction Contract in the amount of $544,999.00 to the lowest responsive bidder, Diani Building Corp. of Santa Maria, CA (a local vendor), subject to the provisions of the Contract and the plans and specifications applicable to the project and as required by California Law; d) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Construction Contract upon return of the Contractor’s executed contract documents, and the review and approval of the County Counsel, Auditor-Controller and Risk Manager or their authorized representatives; and e) Authorize the Director of General Services or designee to approve change orders up to the limit specified in Public Contract Code SPass Action details Not available
11-00285 A-7)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Creekside Village HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Loan Agreement, Third District, as follows: a) Approve the final commitment of $1,228,227.00 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds to Los Alamos Creekside Village, L.P. for development of the Creekside Village Project providing 39 affordable rental units in Los Alamos; b) Approve the final commitment of $800,000.00 in Local Affordable Housing Funds (Local Funds) to Los Alamos Creekside Village, L.P., for the aforementioned project; c) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a Loan Agreement in the amount of $2,028,227.00, a HOME Regulatory Agreement, and an In-Lieu Regulatory Agreement; and d) Authorize the Deputy Director of Housing and Community Development to execute two Subordination Agreements in a form approved by County Counsel, one for a loan by the US Bank, and one for a grant by the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development through the Joe Serna Jr. Farm Worker Housing Program.Pass Action details Not available
11-00264 A-8)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding changes to vacation conversion and lump-sum payment provisions, as follows: a) Adopt a change to Section 10-H of the Management Resolution to require the concurrence of the County Executive Officer on requests to convert vacation time to pay (vacation conversion); and b) Adopt a change to the Unrepresented Executive and Management Classification and Salary Resolution to eliminate lump-sum payments as an element of compensation for this group of employees.Pass Action details Not available
11-00293 A-9)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute a Plan with the State Department of Health Services for the Children’s Medical Services program for the period of July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, which includes the Child Heath and Disability Prevention Program in the amount of $594,385.00; California Children’s Services Administration in the amount of $3,126,633.00; and Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care in the amount of $159,536.00; for a total amount of $3,880,554.00.Pass Action details Not available
11-00294 A-10)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the preliminary design and environmental services for the Replacement of Goleta Beach Park Bridge 51C-0158, County Project 862319, Second District, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute an Agreement with Quincy Engineering Inc. (not a local vendor), Sacramento, California, for preliminary design and environmental services for the Replacement of Goleta Beach Park Bridge 51C-0158, Project Number 862319, at a cost of $406,300.00; and b) Authorize the Director of Public Works to approve amendments to the Agreement for supplemental work up to $40,630.00.Pass Action details Not available
11-00292 A-11)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Tajiguas Landfill Phase IIC Groundwater Protection System, County Project No.828356, Third District, as follows: a) Consider recommendations for the award of the Construction Contract, as follows: i) Approve plans and specifications for construction of the Tajiguas Landfill Phase IIC Groundwater Protection System; ii) Award the Construction Contract in the amount of $3,230,630.05 to the lowest responsible bidder, Papich Construction Co., Inc.(not a local vendor), subject to the provisions of documents and certification, as set forth in the plans and specifications applicable to the project, as required under California Law; iii) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Construction Contract upon return of the Contractor’s executed contract documents and the approval of the County Counsel, Auditor Controller and Risk Manager or their authorized representatives; and iv) Approve a contingency in the amount of $174,031.50 for construction of the Tajiguas Landfill Phase IIC Groundwater Protection System; and b) Consider recomPass Action details Not available
11-00290 A-12)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Oak Knoll - Patterson Road Sewer Upgrade, Fourth District, as follows: a) Approve the Oak Knoll Road - Patterson Road Sewer Upgrade project and the categorical exemption pursuant to the County’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines; and b) Authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise the Oak Knoll Road - Patterson Road Sewer Upgrade project for consideration bids.Pass Action details Not available
11-00296 A-13)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Union Valley Parkway at Bradley Road Intersection Improvements, Federal Project No. ESPL 5951(129), County Project No. 862314, Fourth District, as follows: a) Accept a Notice of Completion for work performed by the Contractor, Cal Portland Construction, Inc. (a local vendor), Post Office Box 1280, Santa Maria, CA 93456; and b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Statement of Final Quantities for the construction of the Union Valley Parkway at Bradley Road Intersection Improvements, for work performed and materials supplied for this project by the Contractor in the amount of $1,462,779.25.Pass Action details Not available
11-00295 A-14)Agenda ItemActing as the Board of Directors, Flood Control and Water Conservation District: Consider recommendations regarding Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Dudek and Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the Las Vegas/San Pedro Creeks Improvement Project, Third District, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Dudek (a local vendor) for environmental services for the Las Vegas/San Pedro Creeks Improvement Project by increasing the amount of the agreement by $22,400.00 to a total not to exceed $361,870.00 and extending the contract period from December 31, 2010 to December 31, 2011; and b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. (not a local vendor) for engineering services for the Las Vegas/San Pedro Creeks Improvement Project by increasing the amount of the Agreement by $15,000.00 to a total not to exceed $544,351.00 and extending the contract period from June 30, 2011 to December 31, 2011.Pass Action details Not available
11-00291 A-15)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding Child Abuse Prevention Month, as follows: a) Adopt a Resolution proclaiming April 2011 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Santa Barbara County; and b) Receive and file the Santa Barbara County Child Abuse Prevention Council’s annual progress report.Pass Action details Not available
11-00279 A-16)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the reappointment of Margie Lopez to the Mental Health Commission, term ending August 1, 2013, Fifth District.Pass Action details Not available
11-00280 A-17)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the reappointment of Charles E. Huffines to the Mental Health Commission, term ending June 1, 2012, Fifth District.Pass Action details Not available
11-00281 A-18)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the reappointment of William Howard Wittausch to the Historic Landmarks Advisory Committee, term ending January 1, 2015, Fifth District.Pass Action details Not available
11-00282 A-19)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the reappointment of Greg A. Ravatt to the Board of Architectural Review - North County, term ending December 31, 2014, Fifth District.Pass Action details Not available
11-00283 A-20)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the reappointment of John R. Hood to the Arts Commission, term ending June 30, 2012, Fifth District.Pass Action details Not available
11-00278 A-21)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Santa Barbara County HOME Consortium and CDBG Urban County Partnership Final 2011 Annual Action Plan, as follows: a) Adopt a Resolution authorizing submittal of the Santa Barbara County HOME Consortium and Urban County Partnership 2011 Annual Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), that represents the grant application for the second operating year of the 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan; and b) Authorize the County Executive Officer to execute all certifications, standard forms and other related documents required for HOME and CDBG Program administration and implementation pursuant to submittal and approval of the 2011 Annual Action Plan.Pass Action details Not available
11-00227 1)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Evans Appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of 98-DP-023 (06APL-00000-00039); APNs. 107-560-001 through 107-560-033 located east of Hummel Drive and south of Foster Road in the existing development of Northpoint Village, Fourth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR. 15 MIN.) a) Make the required findings for the project, including CEQA findings; b) Adopt the Addendum for the previously certified Environmental Impact Report 78-EIR-9 and Supplemental Document 92-SD-2 and adopt the mitigation monitoring program contained in the conditions of approval; c) Uphold the appeal and grant de novo approval of Case No. 98-DP-023 subject to conditions, including changed condition 13. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
11-00015 2)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding an Ordinance Amending Chapter 25, Petroleum Code, as follows: a) Find that the Ordinance amending Chapter 25, Petroleum Code, is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines sections 15307 and 15308; b) Approve a Notice of Exemption; and c) Consider the adoption (second reading) of an Ordinance amending Chapter 25, Petroleum Code, as it relates to the regulation of Onshore Petroleum Operations and Operators, to be effective 30 days from the date of adoption.Pass Action details Not available
11-00284 3)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding a closure report on the Agricultural Worker Transportation Program, Third, Fourth and Fifth Districts, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required) (EST. TIME: 20 MIN.) a) Receive and file the closure report from the Public Works Department regarding the County’s Agricultural Worker Transportation Program (AWTP); b) Authorize the County Purchasing Manager to procure thirty-five (35) GMC fifteen (15)-passenger vans from Kings County to transfer to Cal Vans for a total amount of $998,494.00 at the request of Caltrans; c) Upon approval of Recommendation b), approve Budget Revision No. 0001358 for the purchase of thirty-five (35) GMC fifteen (15)-passenger vans; and d) Authorize the transfer of thirty-five new vans, sixteen existing vans, office furniture, and a copier under County ownership to Kings County by June 30, 2011 for use by Cal Vans, a statewide vanpool agency at the request of Caltrans. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
11-00221 4)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Measure A Program of Projects for Fiscal Year 2011/2012, and Statewide Local Streets and Roads Needs Assessment 2010 Report, as follows: (EST. TIME: 40 MIN.) a) Adopt a Resolution for the Measure A Five-Year Local Program of Projects for Fiscal Years 2011/2012 through 2016/2017, for submittal to the Santa Barbara County Local Transportation Authority for acceptance; b) Reaffirm Resolution 10-101, which established priorities and policies for the use of the local portion of the one-half cent sales tax for the transportation needs in Santa Barbara County; c) Approve the filing of a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the County’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines section 15301 (c), pertaining to maintenance and operation of existing facilities for the above; d) Consider recommendations for the distribution of Measure A revenues within Supervisorial Districts of the North County and South Coast; e) Direct staff to prepare the Fiscal Year 2011/2012 Road Maintenance Annual Plan (RdMAP) based upon approved MeaPass Action details Not available
11-00208 5)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding an Ordinance Amending the County’s Cable Television Franchise and License Ordinances to implement the Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006, as follows: a) Consider the adoption (second reading) of an Ordinance deleting specific sections of Chapter 2 of the County Municipal Code that deal with Cable Television Franchise and amending Chapter 43, by adding new sections that implement the Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act (DIVCA) of 2006; and b) Find that the proposed Ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) by approving a Notice of Exemption.Pass Action details Not available
11-00244 6)Agenda ItemHEARING - Acting as the Board of Directors, Santa Barbara County Fire Protection District: Consider recommendations regarding the initiation of an annexation of territory into the Santa Barbara County Fire Protection District, as follows: (EST. TIME 30 MIN.) a) Adopt a Resolution of Application initiating an annexation of territory into the Santa Barbara County Fire Protection District; b) Authorize the Fire Chief of the Santa Barbara County Fire Protection District to submit an annexation proposal to the Santa Barbara Local Agency Formation Commission; and c) Determine the annexation is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), per Section 15378(b)(4),(5) of the CEQA Guidelines. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
11-00266 7)Agenda ItemConsider the adoption (second reading) of an Ordinance amending Chapter 32, Article IV of the County Code to establish and implement a $65.00 per parcel, non-refundable processing fee for Assessment Appeals applications on parcels, or appraisal units, with an assessed value of less than $30,000,000.00, and establish a $1,000.00 per parcel non-refundable processing fee for Assessment Appeals applications on parcels, or appraisal units, with an assessed value greater than $30,000,000.00.Pass Action details Not available
10-01073 8)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the County Redistricting Ordinance, as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.) a) Consider the adoption (second reading) of an Ordinance repealing and reenacting Article II of Chapter 2 of the Santa Barbara County Code to adjust the boundaries of all of the Supervisorial Districts of the County of Santa Barbara; and b) Determine that redistricting is not a project subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
11-00270 9)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the establishment of a Community Services Department, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Approve the elimination of the Parks Department and the Housing and Community Development Department; b) Approve the creation of a new Community Services Department, which contains the following departments: Parks, Housing and Community Development, Animal Services, the Library Advisory Committee, the Human Services Commission, and the Arts Commission; c) Approve the transfer of Animal Services from Public Health to the Community Services Department; and d) Authorize the launch of an executive search for a Community Services Department Director. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
11-00240 10)Agenda ItemHEARING - Direct staff to initiate efforts to implement recommendations of the Advisory Commission on Retirement Program Alternatives. (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
11-00287 11)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding a request to initiate Land Use and Development Code (LUDC) Amendments for Utility-Scale Solar Projects, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Adopt a Resolution initiating amendments to the Santa Barbara County Land Use and Development Code to allow development of large, utility-scale, solar photovoltaic electrical generation projects, exceeding 5 megawatts generation capacity, on agricultural properties zoned AG-II in the Inland Area of the County, subject to a Conditional Use Permit; and b) Adopt a Resolution initiating amendments to the Santa Barbara County Land Use and Development Code to allow development of small, utility-scale, solar photovoltaic electrical generation projects, up to 5 megawatts generation capacity, on agricultural properties zoned AG-II in the Inland Area of the County, subject to a Conditional Use Permit. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available