| 1) | Agenda Item | Closed Session Agenda | |
Action details
Not available
| A-1) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Clayton Neilson of the Systems and Technology Bureau of the Sheriff's Department as the Santa Barbara County Employee of the Month for June 2008. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-2) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution proclaiming the month of June 2008 as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month in Santa Barbara County. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-3) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Robert A. Almy, Water Agency Manager, upon his retirement from the Public Works Department after 24 years of dedicated service to the County of Santa Barbara. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-4) | Agenda Item | Accept and file the Certification of Results of the Official Canvass and Official Election Summary for the South Coast Annexation to the Carpinteria Sanitary District Election held on April 22, 2008, as required by law or routine business necessity. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-5) | Agenda Item | Authorize the County Executive Officer to execute and submit a letter of endorsement for the County's entries into the California State Association of Counties 2008 Challenge Awards competition. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-6) | Agenda Item | Approve an internal loan from Fire's Motor Pool Funds to the Fire Department for the purchase of five vehicles used for the Leaking Underground Fuel Tanks (LUFT) program in an amount not to exceed $50,000. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-7) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding a Certificate of Acceptance for The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County Conveyance of Paradise Beach, APN 113-160-005 (003538), Fourth District; as follows:
a) Approve a Notice of Exemption pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines;
b) Accept the Planning Commission Report showing that the conveyance of the Paradise Beach property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the County of Santa Barbara pursuant to Government Code 65402;
c) Adopt the Resolution of Acceptance: Interest in Real Property which recognizes the County's acceptance of the Paradise Beach Property for consideration of the rights, obligations, duties and interest under the Standard Agreement 07-090 between the State Coastal Conservancy and The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County;
d) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Standard Agreement between the State Coastal Conservancy, The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County, as Assignor, and the County of Santa Barbara, as Assignee, to amend the existing Grant | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-8) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a lease with the California State Lands Commission for certain state lands that comprise part of Goleta Beach County Park. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-9) | Agenda Item | Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Chief Probation Officer to submit, sign, and accept the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) in the amount of $30,805 for the period July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 from the California Corrections Standards Authority (CSA). | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-10) | Agenda Item | Authorize the Purchasing Manager to issue the listed purchase orders for pharmaceuticals, laboratory supplies, animal food and veterinary supplies totaling $8,422,000 for a three year period, Fiscal Year 2007-08, 2008-09, and 2009-10, without a competitive bid. All vendors are not local vendors except for Hardy Media which is a local vendor.
Amerisource Bergen Drug Corp, # CN04350, $7,500,000
Paragard Direct, # BL01329, $70,000
Theracom, #BL01090, $50,000
Laboratory Supplies:
Beckman Coulter ,#BL00173, $35,000
Becton-Dickenson Company, #BL00175, $107,000
Bio Rad Laboratories, #BL00189, $65,000
Cellestis, #BL01761, $75,000
Fisher Healthcare, #CN06707, $173,000
Gen Probe, #BL00456, $120,000
Hardy Media, #CN06143, $50,000
Roche Diagnostics Corp., #BL00906, $87,000
Animal Services:
Consolidated Seed & Pet, #BL00309, $50,000
MWI Veterinary Supply, #BL01906, $60,000
Total $8,422,000 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-11) | Agenda Item | Receive and file the Summaries of Evaluations for 2007 Annual Health Inspections of Detention Facilities by the County Health Officer regarding compliance with environmental, nutritional, and medical/mental health standards for detention facilities within Santa Barbara County. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-12) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding an Agreement with McKesson Information Systems, LLC, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Public Health Director to execute an Amendment to Contract with McKesson Information Solutions LLC (not a local vendor) that includes software licensing, maintenance, anticipated upgrades and processing services for patient billing in an amount not to exceed $807,500, for the period June 1, 2008 to June 30, 2011; and
b) Authorize the Public Health Director to approve and executed any further contract amendments not to exceed 10% of the total contract amount. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-13) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the Professional Services Agreements-Amendments with Kenneth Fogelberg, MD, Carolyn Griffith, MD, My JNJ, Inc., and Lester Reffigee, MD, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the First Amendment to the professional services agreement (BC-08-010) with Kenneth Fogelberg, MD. a local vendor, in an amount not to exceed $130,760 and to extend the term by 6 months ending on December 31, 2008;
b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Fifth Amendment to the professional services agreement (BC-05-185) with Carolyn Griffith, MD, a local vendor, in an amount not to exceed $130,760 and to extend the term by 6 months ending on December 31, 2008;
c) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Second Amendment to the professional services agreement (BC-08-009) with My JNJ, Inc., a local vendor, in an amount not to exceed $131,083 and to extend the term by 6 months ending on December 31, 2008;
d) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Fourth Amendment to the professional services agreement (BC-06-035) with Lester | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-14) | Agenda Item | Review and approve the Statement of Final Quantities for work performed and materials supplied for the construction of the Montecito Pedestrian Bridge at Oak Creek Safe Routes to School at Santa Rosa Lane, County Project No. 862254, in the Montecito Area, by the Contractor, JMA Construction (not a local vendor), 9909 Topanga Blvd. #224, Chatsworth, CA, 91311, in the amount of $286,677.69, First District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-15) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding Construction of Hummel Drive Extension and Roadway Improvements Project, Public Works Project No. 420195, State Project No. RPSTPL-5951 (096), Fourth District, as follows:
a) Approve plans and specifications for the Extension of Hummel Drive from Hobbs Lane to Mooncrest Lane in Orcutt, County Project No. 420195;
b) Award the construction contract in the amount of $445,647.40 to the lowest responsible bidder, Union Asphalt, Inc. (a local vendor), 1625 E. Donovan Rd., Santa Maria, CA 93454, subject to the provision of documents and certifications, as set forth in the plans and specifications applicable to the project, as required under California Law;
c) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the construction contract upon return of the Contractor's executed contract documents, and the review and approval of the County Counsel, Auditor-Controller and Risk Manager or their authorized representatives; and
d) Approve contingency fund in the amount of $34,782.37 for the Extension of Hummel Drive from Hobbs Lane to Mooncrest Lane in Orcut | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-16) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding El Colegio Road Improvements - Phase II, Professional Design Services Contract, County Project No. 864042, Third District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute an agreement with Penfield and Smith Engineering (a local vendor), for professional design services for El Colegio Road Improvements, Phase II, Project Number 864042, at a total cost of $257,500;
b) Authorize the Director of Public Works to approve amendments to the agreement for supplemental work up to $25,000; and
c) Approve a budget revision No. 0000244 to accept the funds from the 1990 Long Range Development Plan Trust Fund and program for the El Colegio Road Phase II project. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-17) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the acceptance of an easement across a portion of APN 001-070-031, First District, as follows:
a) Approve the Notice of Exemption pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines regarding the acceptance of an Easement Deed granting access across a portion of 899 Concha Loma Drive, APN 001-070-031, to Carpinteria Creek; and
b) Accept an Easement Deed from the owners of the above referenced property by authorizing the Clerk of the Board to execute the Certificate of Acceptance. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-18) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to execute the Agreement Regarding Cost of Constructing and Maintaining Railroad Drainage Structure over Lower Mission Creek with the Union Pacific Railroad Company, First District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-19) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the acceptance of $4,985 Grant for Click It or Ticket Campaign in Carpinteria area for the period of May 12, 2008 through July 31, 2008, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
a) Accept a $4,985 grant from the State of California Office of Traffic Safety via the University of California School of Public Health, Berkeley, for the Click It or Ticket campaign for the period of May 12, 2008 through July 31, 2008; and
b) Approve Budget Revision 2007292 recognizing $4,985 of grant revenue for FY2007-08 and appropriate the amount for expenditures in the Sheriff's Department. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-20) | Agenda Item | Approve Budget Revision Requests (SEE EXHIBIT A WITH POSTED AGENDA). (4/5 Vote Required). | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-21) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the appointment of Catherine Boyer to the Arts Commission for a term ending June 30, 2010, Third District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-22) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Annexation of Evergreen Shopping Center into the Orcutt Community Facilities District (No. 2002-1) and levy special taxes on the proposed parcel to be annexed, Fourth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
a) Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Barbara Approving Annexation of Territory to Orcutt Community Facilities District (No. 2002-1) and Authorizing the Levy of Special Taxes Therein.".
Action details
Not available
| A-23) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Veronica Meadows Reorganization, Second District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
a) Adopt a Resolution of Negotiated Tax Exchange Agreement between the City of Santa Barbara and the County which detaches parcels from the County Fire Protection District; and
b) Approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Santa Barbara and the County regarding the transfer of housing credits pertaining to the Veronica Meadows Reorganization.
Action details
Not available
| A-24) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Determine a negotiated tax exchange agreement with the City of Santa Maria for the Enos Ranchos reorganization; an annexation to the City of Santa Maria and detachment from the Santa Barbara County Fire Protection District and the Mosquito and Vector Management District, Fifth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Adopt a resolution of negotiated tax exchange agreement between the City of Santa Maria and the County which detaches parcels from the County Fire Protection District and the Mosquito and Vector Management District; and
b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Santa Maria and the County regarding the transfer of housing credits pertaining to the Enos Ranchos Reorganization.
Action details
Not available
| A-25) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding an Ordinance amending County Code Chapter 17 and a Resolution amending Rules and Regulations to implement a Countywide construction and demolition waste recycling program, as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.)
a) Consider the adoption (second reading) of the Ordinance amending Chapter 17 of the County Code, Solid Waste Services;
b) Adopt the Resolution modifying specific provisions of the County's Rules and Regulations for unscheduled solid waste handling services in the unincorporated areas of the County; and
c) Accept the Notice of Exemption pursuant to the State Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA.
Action details
Not available
| A-26) | Agenda Item | Acting as the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors:
Consider recommendations regarding the County/ Redevelopment Agency Repayment Agreement, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required)
a) Consider and adopt a Resolution approving and authorizing the Chair to execute a repayment agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara County Redevelopment Agency in an amount not to exceed $18,000,000; and
b) Approve a Budget Revision Request BJE 2007276 to record the $18 million loan, which consists of $13.4 million into Fund 3107 (Project Fund) and $5.7 million into fund 3104 (Debt Service Fund). | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-27) | Agenda Item | Authorize the County Treasurer to make temporary transfers to cover cash flow deficits between April 22, 2008 and June 30, 2008 from the County General Fund to County Operating Funds in such amounts as may be directed by the County Auditor-Controller. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-28) | Agenda Item | Adopt a Resolution to authorize the County Treasurer to make temporary transfers to cover cash flow deficits between July 1, 2008 and April 20, 2009 from available funds to County Operating Funds, Special District Funds, and School District Funds in such amounts as may be directed by the County Auditor-Controller. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-29) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendation regarding the Fiscal Year 2007-08 Year End Transfers, Financial Status Report, Impacts on 08-09 Budget and State Budget Update, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
a) Approve revisions and transfers of appropriations necessary to close the County's accounting records for all County funds for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008;
b) Accept and file, per the provisions of Government Code Section 29126.2, the June 30, 2008 fiscal year (FY) 2007-08 Financial Status Report showing the status of appropriations and financing for all department budgets adopted by the Board of Supervisors; and
c) Receive a report on financial status impacts on the Adopted Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget and the impacts of the State Budget on the County's FY 2008-09 Adopted Budget.
Action details
Not available
| 1) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Review the status of the 2008 University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) Long Range Development Plan(LRDP) and Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
Receive and file a report from staff regarding the following:
- Summary of comments on the LRDP DEIR
- Summary of fiscal impact analysis resulting from UCSB
Action details
Not available
| 2) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Receive a presentation on the County's Leadership Project. (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
Action details
Not available
| 3) | Agenda Item | JOINT HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Real Property Acquisition of 881 Embarcadero Del Mar, Isla Vista, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
Acting as the Board of Supervisors, consider the following:
a) Accept the CEQA addendum to the Isla Vista Master Plan Environmental Impact Report ("IVMP EIR"), finding the proposed project was studied in the IVMP EIR and that refinements to the proposed project will not result in new significant impacts nor substantially increase the severity of previously disclosed significant impacts beyond those already identified;
b) Adopt the County Resolution making findings required by California Health & Safety Code Sections 33445 and 33679 to use Redevelopment Agency funds to purchase 881 Embarcadero Del Mar (Property);
c) Adopt the Resolution of Intent to Purchase the Property from the Union Oil Corporation of California (Union Oil);
d) Authorize the Chair to execute the Real Property Sale Contract and Escrow Instructions between the County and Union Oil to acquire the Property in the amount of $1,400,000, a | |
Action details
Not available
| 4) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Receive a report from the Affirmative Action Commission (AAC) and Human Relations Commission (HRC), including community feedback, and its recommendation for a newly-formed commission. (EST. TIME: 20 MIN.)
Action details
Not available
| 5) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Hazardous Materials Program Fees for the Fire Department's administration and enforcement of state mandated hazardous materials control laws, which are administered as the Business Plan, Waste Generator, and Underground Storage Tank Programs, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Adopt a resolution Establishing Fees for Fire Department's Administration of the California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.95: Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and Inventory;
b) Adopt a resolution Establishing Fees for Fire Department's Administration of the California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.5: Hazardous Waste Control;
c) Adopt a resolution Establishing Fees for Fire Department's Administration of the California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7: Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances; and
d) Adopt a Notice of Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act.
Action details
Not available
| 6) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider approving a resolution supporting the Measure A 2008 Transportation Investment Plan to be presented by Santa Barbara County Association of Government's staff. (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.)
Action details
Not available
| 7) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Road Maintenance Annual Plan, FY 2008-09, as follows: (EST. TIME: 20 MIN.)
a) Adopt the FY 2008-09 Road Maintenance Annual Plan;
b) Approve the funded projects listed for Maintenance Program (County Forces) and Surface Treatment Program (Contracts/ County Forces) within the Road Maintenance Annual Plan;
c) Approve the Notice of Exemptions pursuant to the County's California Environmental Quality Act guidelines; and
d) Authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise the above mentioned projects contained within the FY 2008-09 Road Maintenance Annual Plan.
Action details
Not available
| 8) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider the Ni Appeal of Wang Single-Family Dwelling Addition/Garage filed by the applicant (Case No. 08APL-00000-00015) of the Planning Commission's March 26, 2008 denial of appeal, Case No. 08APL-00000-00006, and de novo approval of Coastal Development Permit Case No. 08CDP-00000-00011. The project involves Assessor's Parcel No. 001-190-035, located at 6346 Via Real in the Carpinteria area, First District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.)
a) Adopt the required findings for approval of Case No. 08CDP-00000-00011, including CEQA findings;
b) Accept the exemption specified in the agenda letter; and
c) Deny the appeal, Case No. 08APL-00000-00015, thereby upholding the Planning Commission's approval and granting de novo approval of Coastal Development Permit Case No. 08CDP-00000-00011, subject to the conditions.
Action details
Not available
| 9) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider the request of P. Michael Melliar-Smith and Louise Moser, owners, regarding Ordinance 661 Consistency Rezone and Lot Line Adjustment for Assessor's Parcel Numbers 081-040-047 and 081-040-049, located at 2375 Refugio Road in the Gaviota area, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
Case No. 06RZN-00000-00008 [application filed on November 1, 2006] to rezone 64.20 acres (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 081-040-047 and 081-040-049) from General Agriculture, 100-acre minimum lot area (100-AG) under Zoning Ordinance No. 661 to Agriculture II, 100-acre minimum lot area (AG-II-100) under the County Land Use & Development Code (LUDC);
Case No. 05LLA-00000-00009 [application filed on June 1, 2005] for a Lot Line Adjustment in compliance with Section 21-90 of County Code Chapter 21, to adjust the existing lot lines between Assessor's Parcel Numbers 081-040-047 and 081-040-049, to reconfigure into one lot of 20.00 acres and one lot of 44.20 acres, on property located in the 100-AG zone under Ordinance 661.
a) Adopt the required findings for the proposed rezone, | Pass |
Action details
Not available