| A-1) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation Honoring Olga Daiber Howard for Forty Years of valued Service to the Community of Orcutt. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-2) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation Honoring Deanna Lewotsky for 17 years of dedicated service to the Santa Barbara County Petroleum Office. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-3) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring John Kay for his 27 years of service on the Personnel Commission of the Santa Barbara County Education Office. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-4) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation recognizing the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Rehabilitation Institute of Santa Barbara. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-5) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation Honoring Brian Baca for his 16 years of dedicated County service in the Planning and Development Department. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-6) | Agenda Item | Approve a Budget Revision Request (BJE 2005732) to appropriate $35,000 from reserves from the Santa Maria Valley Flood Zone and to increase revenues by $160,000 for a total of $195,000 to complete the West Green Canyon Storm Drain Project, Fourth and Fifth Districts. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-7) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Grant Funds as follows:
a) Authorize the County Clerk Recorder and Assessor and Registrar of Voters to execute a contract with the State of California to assist in implementing the requirements of HAVA Section 261, Elections Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (EAID) for the period September 9, 2005 through June 30, 2007 in the amount of $47,178.41; and
b) Authorize the County Clerk Recorder and Assessor and Registrar of Voters to execute a contract with the State of California for the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Section 301Voting Systems Program for the period ending June 30, 2007 in the amount of $2,749,794.06. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-8) | Agenda Item | Accept and file the Certification of Results of the Official Canvass and Official Election Summary for the Special Statewide Election held on November 8, 2005. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-9) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations from the Legislative Program Committee meeting of December 5, 2005 as follows:
a) Support the recommended State Legislative Priorities for 2006;
b) Support the recommended Federal Legislative Priorities for 2006; and
c) Oppose the Health and Human Service cuts included in the House Version of the fiscal year 2006 Federal Budget Reconciliation Legislation and authorize the Board Chair to sign a letter of opposition to be sent to each of the County's elected Federal representatives. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-10) | Agenda Item | Accept and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute the Certificate of Acceptance regarding the Director Deed to the real property conveyed from the State of California, Department of Transportation, and situated at the Northeast corner of the intersection of Burton Mesa and Harris Grade Road in Lompoc, (05-SB-01 PM 21.9 Caltrans Parcel 2267-01-01; Real Estate Services Folio No. 003491), Fourth District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-11) | Agenda Item | Approve a Section 7 Consultation/ Indemnification Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and the U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, for the purpose of obtaining an incidental take permit that may be needed for possible adverse modification of habitat of endangered species during construction of a new County Jail. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-12) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a lease agreement between the County of Santa Barbara's Department of Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services (ADMHS), and Douglas and Patricia Aiken, Trustees for the Aiken Living Trust dated January 11, 2002, for 4225 square feet of commercial office space located at 2034 De La Vina Street, in Santa Barbara; for an initial term of approximately 7 years, at a monthly rent of $9,295.00, triple net. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-13) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding Predevelopment Loan Agreement for Ventucopa Water System Study, Fifth District, as follows:
a) Find that predevelopment study described below is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Guidelines Section 15262; and
b) Authorize the Director of Housing and Community Development to execute a $33,250 Loan Agreement in substantially the form of the attachments to this Board letter, with the Ventucopa Water Company for the feasibility study of the Ventucopa water system. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-14) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding College Park Apartments Loan Documents, Fourth District, as follows:
a) Find that a Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared by the City of Lompoc for the College Park Apartments, formerly known as G & College Apartments was noticed on May 17, 2002 and on the basis of the whole record there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment;
b) Approve the commitment of $1,685,466 of County and City of Lompoc HOME funds for permanent financing costs for the College Park Apartments, located at 201-207 E. College Ave., Lompoc, CA.;
c) Approve the commitment of $400,000 of the County's Loan Portfolio Recapitalization Fund for permanent financing costs for the aforementioned project; and
d) Authorize the Director of Housing and Community Development to execute two Loan Agreements in the total amounts of $1,685,466 and $400,000, respectively, and a Regulatory Agreement, all in substantially the form of the attachments to this Board letter, for the development of this project. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-15) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding equity adjustments for nursing and other medical classifications as follows:
a) Approve side letter agreement with SEIU Local 620 for salary equity adjustments and educational benefits for nursing, and for salary equity adjustments for certain other medical classifications; and
b) Adopt a resolution implementing salary increases of five to ten percent for nursing and certain other medical classifications effective January 2, 2006. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-16) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a Coastal Resource Enhancement Fund (CREF) contract (BC-06-080) with the Growing Solutions Restoration Education Institute to install a seed processing facility and a demonstration garden, in the amount of $10,000 for the period of December 13, 2005 to March 15, 2006. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-17) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a Board Contract in an amount not-to-exceed $120,259.00 to replace Rincon Consultant's existing Purchase Order (No. CN02118) totaling $91,357 for the continued preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Rancho San Marcos Golf Course Expansion Project (03RVP-00000-00003). | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-18) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute an amendment to the Covenant Restricting Use for Las Positas/Elings Park to allow telecommunications facilities to be considered within the park. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-19) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a contract between the City of Santa Maria and Santa Barbara County for the County to provide shelter services for youth in the amount of $12,000 for fiscal year 2005-06. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-20) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement (BC-05-185) for the provision of professional obstetrical and gynecological medical services at the Santa Maria Women's Health Center, with Carolyn Griffith, M.D., a local vendor, to adjust the termination, compensation and insurance provisions. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-21) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute an agreement with Marian Medical Center to provide in-patient services for the County's Medically Indigent Adult (MIA) Program, for the period of July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2006, in the amount of $405,000 for FY 2004/05 and fee-for-service, based upon qualifying claims submission, for FY 2005/06. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-22) | Agenda Item | Approve the continued Local Emergency, Resolution Number 00-193, due to the spread and on-going epidemic of blood-borne viral hepatitis (Hepatitis B and C) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections among injection drug users and authorize Pacific Pride Foundation as the agent of the County to carry out the Syringe Exchange and Education Program. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-23) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding New State Rate for the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority as follows:
a) Approve the new State rate of $10.88 for the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority; and
b) Direct the Department of Social Services to submit the new rate request to the Department of Health Services, State of California. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-24) | Agenda Item | Adopt a personnel resolution effective 12/19/05 adding the following five positions:
i) 1 Department Analyst, Program position (Job Class 2160, Range 5566, $3895-$4755 per month)
ii) 1 Office Assistant, Senior position (Job Class 1702, Range 4576, $2377-$2902 per month)
iii) 3 Eligibility Worker III positions (Job Class 3092, Range 4874, $2758-$3367 per month) | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-26) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider Board of Supervisor appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees, as follows: (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.)
a) Mental Health Commission - one regular member, one alternate member;
b) Area Agency on Aging (Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens) - one regular member to Advisory Council;
c) Library Advisory Committee - one regular member;
d) Retirement Board of the Santa Barbara County Employees Retirement System - one regular member;
e) Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara County - one regular member, one alternate member;
f) Santa Barbara Regional Health Authority - one regular member;
g) Goleta Valley Community Center Board of Directors - one regular member, one alternate member;
h) Beach Erosion Authority for Control Operations and Nourishment (BEACON) - two regular members;
i) City/County Homeless Advisory Committee - one regular member and one alternate member;
j) Law Library Board of Trustees - Chair as Ex-Officio Member;
k) K.I.D.S. Network Policy Council - two members to serve as Chair and Vice-Chair;
l) Legislative Program Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-27) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Receive the second quarterly report on the Process Improvement Plan for the Planning and Development Department. (EST. TIME: 60 MIN.)
Action details
Not available
| A-28) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding revisions to the Oak Tree Preservation and Regeneration Program and initiation of an Agricultural Resources/Baseline Condition Study, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1HR. 15 MIN.)
a) Approve revisions to the text amendments initiated July 26, 2005, to the Oak Tree Protection and Regeneration Ordinance (Article IX of Chapter 35 of the County Code);
b) Retain previous Board initiation of amendments to the Oak Tree Protection and Regeneration Ordinance (Article IX of Chapter 35 of the County Code) and Grading Ordinance (Chapter 14) to include "Program Clean-Up Items" and move the existing Grading Guidelines for Native Oak Tree Removal from Appendix A of the Grading Ordinance to the Oak Tree Protection and Regeneration Ordinance;
c) Authorize and approve funding of an Agricultural Resources/Baseline Condition Study describing baseline conditions, threats, and impacts to agriculture that can be incorporated into program and project EIRs concerning agriculture, including proposed revisions to the County's Grading Ordinance; and
d) Authoriz | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-29) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding amendments to the Children and Families Ordinance as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.)
a) Consider the adoption (second reading) of an ordinance, which amends Santa Barbara County Code Chapter 41, sections 41-4 and 41-5, to increase the term of Community Members of the First 5 Commission from two to three years, and stagger their terms. The recommended amendments also create a permanent position on the Commission for the County Superintendent of Schools; and
b) Adopt a resolution, which amends Article 6 of the Bylaws of the First 5 Commission to track the proposed amendments to Chapter 41 of the County Code, Additionally, it is recommended that the Bylaws be amended to reflect action taken by this Board in 2001, which permitted the County Alternate member to designate a member of their staff to serve on the Commission.
Action details
Not available
| A-31) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider the recommendations of the County and Montecito Planning Commissions regarding the adoption of zoning ordinance text amendments to Articles II, III and IV of Chapter 35 of the Santa Barbara County Code, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR. 30 MIN.)
a) Find that these amendments are categorically and statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15378(b)(5) of the Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA;
b) Adopt findings for approval of the proposed amendments;
c) Adopt a Resolution and direct staff to submit the following Local Coastal Program amendments to the California Coastal Commission for certification:
i) Amendment to the Article II, Coastal Zoning Ordinance, regarding revisions to noticing procedures (05ORD-00000-00016); and
ii) Amendment to the Article II, Coastal Zoning Ordinance, regarding revisions to appeals procedures (05ORD-00000-00019);
d) Adopt an Ordinance amending Article III, Inland Zoning Ordinance, regarding revisions to noticing procedures (05ORD-00000-00017);
e) Adopt an Or | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-32) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Medical Marijuana Program and Fee Resolution for Identification Cards, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Adopt the State Medical Marijuana Program;
b) Adopt a resolution establishing fees for the Medical Marijuana Identification Cards to be effective February 2, 2006; and
c) Authorize the Department to automatically adjust to the State determined fees when future changes are made.
Action details
Not available
| A-33) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Los Olivos Business District Improvements, Third District, as follows:
a) Authorize the lease/purchase of a portable restroom unit for downtown Los Olivos and approve the necessary budget revision to fund the expenditure; and
b) Direct staff to initiate discussions with the merchants in Los Olivos regarding the formation of a Business Improvement District in order to pursue a permanent public restroom solution, and to formalize the manner in which Los Olivos merchants promote their businesses and procure other downtown public amenities. (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-35) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider the Redevelopment Agency FY 05/06 Mid Year Report as follows: (EST. TIME 45 MIN.)
a) Receive and file the FY 04/05 Redevelopment Agency Annual Audited Financial Report from the Auditor-Controller; and
b) Provide staff with preliminary strategic input regarding the State required Redevelopment Agency 5-Year Implementation Plan and 10-Year Affordable Housing Compliance Plan.
Action details
Not available
| | Agenda Item | PUBLIC COMMENT | |
Action details
Not available
| 1) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the distribution of trauma care funds with Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a contract with the State Emergency Medical Services Authority to receive trauma funds for the period of July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 in an amount not to exceed $212,387; and
b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute an agreement with Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital for the distribution of trauma funds to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, as the Level II trauma center, in accordance with Health and Safety Codes 2.5 Section 1797.199 for the period from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 in the amount of $210,263; and
c) Approve a Budget Revision for the receipt of unanticipated revenue from the State Emergency Medical Services Authority in the amount of $212,387 for this funding of local trauma centers. (4/5 Vote Required)
Action details
Not available
| 2) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Development Impact Fees, Annual Reports and Automatic Fee Adjustment as follows: (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.)
a) Receive the 2004-2005 annual reports for the Countywide, Orcutt and Goleta development impact fee programs;
b) Receive the automatic annual fee adjustment of 4.3%, which is based on the increase in the Engineering Construction Cost Index; and
c) Establish a committee of stakeholders to review the impact fees prior to next year's submittal to the Board of Supervisors.
Action details
Not available
| 3) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider extending the deadline for the Blue Ribbon Budget Task Force to March 31, 2006. (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
Action details
Not available
| 4) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Local Vendor Outreach Program as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.)
a) Approve a definition of a "Local Vendor" that will be used in all bids placed by the County of Santa Barbara;
b) Authorize the Purchasing Manager to provide a 6% local vendor preference for all bids for personal property (tangible goods) placed by the County of Santa Barbara; and
c) Receive the FY 2004-2005 report on Local Vendor Outreach.
Action details
Not available
| 5) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider zoning ordinance text amendments to Articles II, III and IV of Chapter 35 of the Santa Barbara County Code: Case Nos. 05ORD-00000-00004 (Article II Coastal Zoning Ordinance); 05ORD-00000-00005 (Article III Inland Zoning Ordinance) and 05ORD-00000-00006 (Article IV Montecito Zoning Ordinance) revise the procedures and development standards for commercial and noncommercial telecommunication facilities, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Find that these amendments are categorically and statutorily exempt from
the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Sections 15061(b)(3)
and 15265 of the Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA;
b) Adopt findings for approval of the proposed amendments;
c)Adopt a Resolution and Ordinance amending Article II (05ORD-00000
d) Adopt an Ordinance amending Article III (05ORD-00000-00005); and
e) Adopt an Ordinance amending Article IV (05ORD-00000-00006).
Action details
Not available
| 6) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider adoption of resolution submitting Local Coastal Program amendments to the California Coastal Commission for certification - Height Calculation Methodology (05ORD-00000-00001), Telecommunications Permitting Revisions (05ORD-00000-00004) and Board of Architectural Review Process Revisions (05ORD-00000-00014), as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN)
a) Amendment to the Article II Coastal Zoning Ordinance regarding the
methodology for calculating the height of a structure (05ORD-00000
b) Amendment to the Article II Coastal Zoning Ordinance regarding the
permitting of commercial and non-commercial telecommunication facilities
(05ORD-00000-00004); and
c) Amendment to the Article II Coastal Zoning Ordinance regarding the
Board of Architectural Review design review process (05ORD-00000
Action details
Not available
| 7) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding speed limits on certain County roads, First, Second and Fourth Districts, as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.)
Consider adoption (second reading) of an ordinance amending Chapter 23, Sections 23-15 through 23-15.6, of the Code of Santa Barbara County, pertaining to speed limits on San Ysidro Road (1st District), Kellogg Ave. and Nogal Dr. (2nd District) and Broadway (4th District).
Action details
Not available
| 8) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider directing the Housing and Community Development Department to complete a thorough analysis of three potential housing finance tools and to return to the Board as appropriate with specific recommendations. (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.)
Action details
Not available
| 9) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding New County Jail Planning Study as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS. 30 MIN.)
a) Receive and file the study regarding a new $153 million jail at the Laguna County Sanitation District site as well as alternatives for relieving short-term jail overcrowding per direction of the Board on April 12, 2005.
b) Authorize the County Executive Officer and Sheriff to contract with an expert polling firm to conduct a survey about the potential of a countywide ballot measure(s) to provide funding for a new jail and return to the Board with recommendations.
i) Approve a Budget Revision transferring $40,000 from Vehicle License Fee (VLF) repayment revenue to General County Programs to fund the survey.
c) Authorize the County Executive Officer and Sheriff to obtain an option to buy up to approximately 232 acres at the Laguna Sanitation District site for consideration by the Board. Additionally, authorize the County Executive Officer and Sheriff to undertake due diligence analysis preliminary to a final decision regarding site acquisition (eg: en | Pass |
Action details
Not available