Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 3/21/2006 9:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleResultAction DetailsVideo
06-00246 A-1)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation Honoring Frank Stone for his 40 years of dedicated service to the employees and citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
06-00248 A-2)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution Proclaiming March 2006 as Mediation Month in Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
06-00251 A-3)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution Proclaiming March 24, 2006 as World TB Day in Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
06-00255 A-4)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution Recognizing March 2006 as National Social Work Month.Pass Action details Not available
06-00250 A-5)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation Honoring Carlos Campos for 31 years of dedicated service to the community and the Department of Social Services.Pass Action details Not available
06-00254 A-6)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation Honoring Patrick H. Davis for his dedicated service to the residents of the County of Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission.Pass Action details Not available
06-00247 A-7)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation Honoring the 80th Anniversary of the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.Pass Action details Not available
06-00257 A-8)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendations Honoring Dr. Mary Ann Evans as Woman of the Year 2005 for her dedicated and tireless services to the Santa Ynez Valley community.Pass Action details Not available
06-00258 A-9)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendations Honoring Michael Balaban as Man of the Year 2005 for his enthusiasm and energy towards trying to effect positive changes in the Santa Ynez Valley community.Pass Action details Not available
06-00252 A-10)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation Honoring Alan Thompson Bolender for 28 years of outstanding service to the people of Santa Barbara County and the Department of Probation.Pass Action details Not available
06-00253 A-11)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution Proclaiming the week of March 20 - 26, 2006 as Orchid Week in the County of Santa Barbara.Pass Action details Not available
06-00245 A-12)Agenda ItemConsider the recommendations regarding the Santa Ynez River Hydrology Model, Third and Fourth Districts, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the attached Letter Agreement among various water districts and cities regarding cost share and process for upgrading of the Santa Ynez River Hydrology Model; and b) Approve expenditure of up to $8,625 for the subject project in FY 05-06.Pass Action details Not available
06-00265 A-13Agenda ItemApprove Budget Revision Request. (SEE EXHIBIT A WITH POSTED AGENDA) (4/5 vote required.)Pass Action details Not available
06-00238 A-14)Agenda ItemAdopt a resolution increasing salaries for certain classifications in Bargaining Units 14 and 15 effective February 27, 2006, pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Deputy Sheriffs' Association.Pass Action details Not available
06-00237 A-15)Agenda ItemConsider the recommendations regarding Cachuma Lake Yurts and Cabin Concession Agreement, Third District, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Concession Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and Central Coast Cabins, the Concessioner, which allows the Concessioner to operate a yurt and cabin rental service in a portion of Cachuma Lake County Park through January 12, 2007, and authorizes the Director of Parks, or designee, to administer the Agreement on behalf of the County; and b) Approve the Notice of Exemption pursuant to Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Pass Action details Not available
06-00241 A-16)Agenda ItemAuthorize the Chair execute the Coastal Resource Enhancement Fund (CREF) Grant Contract (BC-06-092) with the City of Santa Barbara to restore the Arroyo Burro estuary and the confluence of Mesa Creek, in the amount of $87,930 for the period of March 21, 2006 to April 15, 2007.Pass Action details Not available
06-00242 A-17)Agenda ItemApprove a waiver of the competitive bid requirement in purchase of Animal Services Truck Beds and authorize the Purchasing Manager to enter into an agreement with SHOR-LINE (not a local vendor) for three “Animobile 99” truck beds in the amount of $13,142 each for a total amount of $39,426.Pass Action details Not available
06-00244 A-18)Agenda ItemAuthorize the Chair to execute Revenue Agreement with Isla Vista Recreation & Parks District for supplemental security services for various park district events beginning March 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2008 in an amount that reimburses actual direct costs, Third District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00224 A-20)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the reappointment of Richard E. Weinberg to the Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District Board, First District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00261 A-21)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Barbara Young to the Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee, Third District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00262 A-22)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Susan Brooks to the Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee, Third District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00264 A-23)Agenda ItemHEARING - Adopt a Personnel Resolution effective March 27, 2006, adding two (2.0 Pos.) Deputy District Attorneys I/II/III/IV/SR (Classes 2250-2254), Ranges 6032-7132 ($4,914-$10,384 per month), to the District Attorney department, and adding one (1.0 Pos.) Deputy Public Defenders I/II/III/IV/SR (Classes 2300-2304), Ranges 6032-7132 ($4,914-$10,384 per month), to the Public Defender department. (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
06-00239 A-24)Agenda ItemHEARING - Receive information from Colonel Alex Dornstauder, District Engineer of the Los Angeles District Corps of Engineers regarding funding and action items for protection of the Santa Maria River Levee, Fourth and Fifth Districts. (EST TIME: 1 HR.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
06-00240 A-25)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the Zaleski Lot Line Adjustment and Rezone project, Case Nos. 05LLA-00000-00014 and 05RZN-00000-00009, involving Assessor's Parcel Numbers 011-060-032 and -033, located at 1478 and 1474 East Mountain Drive in the Montecito area, First District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.) a) Adopt the required findings for the Lot Line Adjustment, Case No. 05LLA-00000-00014, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings; b) Adopt the required findings for the rezone, Case No. 05RZN-00000-00009, including the CEQA findings; c) Accept the Notice of Exemption pursuant to Section 15305 of the State CEQA Guidelines; d) Approve the Lot Line Adjustment, Case No. 05LLA-00000-00014, and; e) Adopt an Ordinance Rezone for APN's 011-060-032 & 011-060-033, amending the Montecito Zoning Map, Exhibit Number 35-404.7.2. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
06-00256 A-26)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding amendments required for conditional certification of the County's 2003-2008 Housing Element, as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS. 30 MIN.) (PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED) (Please note that if the Board chooses to make modifications to the Draft Revised Housing Element or discuss topics beyond those that were included in earlier staff submittals or discussed at the April 4th hearing the public hearing should be reopened to allow public input on these issues.) a) Receive and file staff presentation, consider recommendations from the Planning Commission and conduct a public hearing; b) Find that the Negative Declaration 04NGD-00000-00004 previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors for the 2003-2008 Housing Element, adopted on March 29, 2004, adequately describes the potential environmental effects of the Draft Revised Housing Element; c) Adopt the 2003-2008 Draft Revised Housing Element; and d) Adopt a Resolution approving associated Findings in support of the Board's final action. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
06-00259 A-27)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendations from the Legislative Program Committee meeting of February 27, 2006, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.) a) Receive a copy of two letters, sent in the matter of William Connell and the Veterans' tax exemption, to our local State Legislators and State Board of Equalization seeking clarification of the language, legislative intent, interpretation and application of California Public Code Section 16102; b) Consider taking a position, without a recommendation from the Legislative Program Committee, for the following bills which ease State regulation of levee maintenance and flood control work; i) AB 1877 (Nakanishi) as introduced on February 19, 2006. AB 1877 would amend Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to provide that if an entity proposes an activity that involves the routine maintenance of a levee or flood control system, and that proposed activity is substantially equivalent to a prior activity relating to that levee or flood control system that was conducted in accordance with Section 1602, the entity shall only be required to subPass Action details Not available
06-00263 1)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendation regarding a rebuttal to the Argument in Favor of the Mission County Formation ballot measure (Measure H) as follows: Authorize a member or members of the Board of Supervisors to submit a rebuttal to the Argument in Favor of Measure H or provide direction as appropriate. (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)Pass Action details Not available
06-00205 2)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider Planning Commissioner compensation and reimbursement. (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICY  Action details Not available
06-00141 3)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider Planning Commission Recommendations to Adopt Revisions to Oil & Gas Consolidation Policies and Regulations, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Adopt a Resolution, amending Chapter 3.6 of the County's Coastal Plan to remove descriptive text that is no longer accurate; to repeal the Consolidated Oil and Gas Processing Site designation of the former Gaviota oil and gas processing site; to delete criteria for siting new oil tank farms in the Coastal Zone; and to define and address the consolidation of pipeline terminals that support offshore oil and gas development; b) Adopt a Resolution, amending South Coast Policy 5 of the County's Land Use Element to repeal the Consolidated Oil and Gas Processing designation of the former Gaviota oil and gas processing site; c) Adopt an Ordinance, amending the Coastal Zoning Ordinance (Article II) deleting references to the Gaviota consolidated oil and gas processing site in Sections 35-58, 35-69.4, 35-150, 35-154, 35-157, 35-158, and adding a new Section 35-159 to define Consolidated Pipeline Terminal as a permitted use iPass Action details Not available
06-00260 4)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendation regarding the Local Coastal Program amendments, as follows: Adopt a Resolution, thereby directing staff to submit Local Coastal Program amendments to update policies and ordinances related to the consolidation of oil and gas facilities in the Coastal Zone (04GPA-00000-00018 and 04ORD-00000-00018) to the California Coastal Commission for certification. (EST. TIME: 2 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
06-00153 5)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding 2006/07 through 2010/2011 Measure "D" Five-Year Local Program of Projects, as follows: (EST. TIME 30 MIN.) a) Adopt the attached Resolution for the Measure "D" Five-Year Local Program of Projects for Fiscal Years 2006/07 through 2010/11, for submittal to the Santa Barbara County Local Transportation Authority for acceptance; b) Reaffirm Resolution 89-465, which established priorities and policies related to the use of the local portion of the one-half cent sales tax for transportation needs in Santa Barbara County; c) Approve Notice of Exemption pursuant to the County's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for the above; d) Reaffirm or consider revisions to Measure "D" distribution formula for allocation of revenues within Supervisorial Districts; and e) Direct staff to prepare Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Road Maintenance Annual Plan (RdMap) based upon approved Measure "D" distribution formula, All Districts. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
06-00090 6)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the appeal by Jack Maxwell of the Montecito Planning Commission's Approval of the following Maxwell/Campano Conditional Certificates of Compliance and related Coastal Development Permits: 04COC-00000-00007 & 04CDP-00000-00090, 04COC-00000-00008 & 04CDP-00000-00091 and 04COC-00000-00010 & 04CDP-00000-00092 [Appeal Case No. 05APL-00000-00032], First District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Adopt the required findings, including CEQA findings, for the three Conditional Certificates of Compliance specified in the Montecito Planning Commission Action Letters dated October 28, 2005; b) Approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration of the Staff Report to the Montecito Planning Commission, August 17, 2005 Hearing) and adopt the mitigation monitoring program contained in the conditions of approval for each Conditional Certificate of Compliance set forth in revised Montecito Planning Commission Action Letters dated October 28, 2005; c) Deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Montecito Planning Commission to approve the Maxwell/Campano Conditional CertificaPass Action details Not available
06-00004 7)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendations regarding the REQUEST FOR FINAL ACTION - Gaviota Coast Conservancy's Appeal of the Planning Commission's Approval of the Bean Blossom (Lot H) Residence and Accessory Structures on a 106.5-Acre Parcel on the Gaviota Coast. As a result of a facilitated resolution of the appeal, staff recommends that the Board modify the decision of the Planning Commission by approving a revised project (Consensus Project), as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.) a) Adopt the required findings of approval for Coastal Development Permit Case No. 02CDP-00000-00022 as specified in Attachment A of the staff's February 16, 2006 Board Agenda Letter; and b) Modify the decision of the Planning Commission, Appeal Case No. 04APL-00000-00005, pursuant to a facilitated resolution of the appeal, approving the Consensus Project and revised conditions of approval and granting de novo approval of the Coastal Development Permit Case No. 02CDP-00000-00022. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICY Pass Action details Not available
06-00129 8)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider staff's recommended option of declaring 140 acres of Baron Ranch surplus, Real Property Folio # R-211, to County needs, and authorize commencement of tasks required to dispose of the property in compliance with applicable Government Codes, Third District. (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
06-00186 9)Agenda ItemHEARING - Receive and file a study concerning the feasibility of transferring development rights in association with the Santa Barbara Ranch Project, Third District. (EST. TIME: 1 HR. 30 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
06-00212 10)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Second Quarter Report on the Comprehensive Planning Division's 2005-08 Three Year Work Program as follows: (EST TIME: 60 MIN.) a) Accept the Second Quarterly Report on the Comprehensive Planning Division's 2005-08 Three Year Work Program (Work Program); and b) Allocate Funding to complete approved high priority work efforts in the amount of $95,000 in FY 05-06. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available