Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 2/7/2006 9:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleResultAction DetailsVideo
06-00108 A-1)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Carrie Topliffe for her exemplary contributions to our community during her tenure at Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services.Pass Action details Not available
06-00055 A-2)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendations regarding the contracts for Robert Crombie and Mike Kuhn, as follows: (EST. TIME: 25 MIN.) a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a contract in the amount of $31,937 ($19.03/hr), including County-mandated Contractor-on-Payroll benefits, effective July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, with Robert Crombie, a local vendor, to provide specialized facilities maintenance services to ADMHS; b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a contract in the amount of $26,500 ($18.14/hr), including County-mandated Contractor-on-Payroll benefits, effective September 26, 2005 through June 30, 2006, with Mike Kuhn, a local vendor, to provide specialized facilities maintenance services to ADMHS; and c) Authorize the Director of ADMHS to approve amendments to the proposed contracts, provided that any such amendments do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the contracts' dollar amounts. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
06-00121 A-3)Agenda ItemConsider the recommendations regarding the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Enhancement Plan Project (SC8012), First District, as follows: a) Accept the attached Notice of Completion for the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Enhancement Plan Project and authorize the Clerk to record; b) Adopt the Resolution establishing the final quantities for work performed and materials supplied for the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Enhancement Plan Project by the contractor Granite Construction, a local vendor, in the amount of $2,611,175.86; c) Execute the attached Quitclaim Deed; and d) Accept a Permanent Easement from the LAND TRUST FOR SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation by authorizing the Clerk of the Board to sign the Certificate of Acceptance attached to the Permanent Easement deed. (4/5 Vote Required)Pass Action details Not available
06-00115 A-4)Agenda ItemCity of Solvang - Approve the request of the Solvang City Council calling and giving notice of a special municipal election on Tuesday June 6, 2006 regarding whether a Charter of the City of Solvang should be adopted. (APPROVE AND REFER TO THE COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER-ASSESSOR)Pass Action details Not available
06-00114 A-5)Agenda ItemConsider amending the 2006 meeting schedule of the Board of Supervisors by canceling the regularly scheduled meeting of September 19, 2006 and moving the location of the September 26, 2006 meeting from Santa Maria to Santa Barbara.Pass Action details Not available
06-00105 A-5)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute a Lease Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and Hearts Adaptive Riding Program, a local nonprofit organization for a initial period of five years commencing March 1, 2006. The Lease also provides for up to four two-year extensions, Second District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00107 A-6)Agenda ItemAccept the offers to purchase surplus heavy equipment obtained through a sealed bid and authorize the Purchasing Manager to prepare Bills of Sale and complete the transaction.Pass Action details Not available
06-00110 A-7)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Santa Barbara Jail Sewer Grinder Project #8664, Second District, as follows: a) Approve the plans and specifications for the Santa Barbara Jail Sewer Grinder Project #8664; b) Authorize the General Services Department to receive construction bids for this project.Pass Action details Not available
06-00123 A-8)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute the attached letter to the California Coastal Commission, withdrawing Local Coastal Program amendments adopted on October 24, 2004 to update the County's oil transportation policies in order to allow more time to address issues raised by the Western States Petroleum Association.Pass Action details Not available
06-00127 A-9)Agenda ItemReceive and file the report regarding the Biltmore/ Coral Casino Emergency Seawall Repair, Case No. 06EMP-00000-0001, 1281 Channel Drive, APN 009-353-015, First District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00128 A-10)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute a condominium subdivision agreement with John and Suzanne Murphy to provide certain notices and protections to the tenants of the duplex at 528 A and B San Ysidro Road that is being converted into two condominiums and to limit the rent increases for said rental units for a five year period. Pass Action details Not available
06-00116 A-11)Agenda ItemApprove the continued Local Emergency, Resolution Number 00-193, due to the spread and on-going epidemic of blood-borne viral hepatitis (Hepatitis B and C) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections among injection drug users and authorize Pacific Pride Foundation as the agent of the County to carry out the Syringe Exchange and Education Program. Pass Action details Not available
06-00117 A-12)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute Agreement #05-45796 with the California Department of Health Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Branch to provide nutrition education and supplemental food coupons to lower income families for the period of October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2008 in an amount not to exceed $6,873,000. Pass Action details Not available
06-00122 A-13)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute the “Medi-Cal Physician Services Provider Agreement, Federally Qualified Health Center or Rural Health Clinic,” with the Santa Barbara Regional Health Authority, SBRHA, for the period of January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2008 for payment of established fees for health care services rendered to Medi-Cal members that are the responsibility of the SBRHA for an estimated amount of $370,000.Pass Action details Not available
06-00053 A-14)Agenda ItemConsider the recommendations regarding the Preliminary Design and Environmental Services for the Tepusquet Low Water Crossing Replacement, County Project No. 862248, Fifth District, as follows: a) Authorize the Chair to execute an agreement with Quincy Engineering, Inc., not a local vendor, Sacramento, California, for preliminary design and environmental services for the Tepusquet Low Water Crossing Replacement, Project Number 862248, at a total cost of $219,000; and b) Authorize the Director of Public Works to approve amendments to the agreement for supplemental work up to $21,900.Pass Action details Not available
06-00105 A-15)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute a Lease Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and Hearts Adaptive Riding Program, a local nonprofit organization for a initial period of five years commencing March 1, 2006. The Lease also provides for up to four two-year extensions, Second District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00111 A-16)Agenda ItemApprove the Application for Destruction of Records authorized by Government Code section 26205, which allows the destruction of such Civil Records that have been retained in excess of two years.Pass Action details Not available
06-00112 A-17)Agenda ItemApprove the Application for Destruction of Records authorized by Government Code section 26205, which allows the destruction of such Criminal Records that have been retained in excess of two years.Pass Action details Not available
06-00106 A-18)Agenda ItemConsider the recommendations regarding the Treasurer's Investment Pool, 2005-2006 Second Quarter (October-December), as follows: a) Accept for filing the 2005-2006 Second Quarter (October-December) report on the Treasurer's Investment Pool, pursuant to Government Code section 53646(b); b) Review and approve the Investment Policy Statement and authorize the County Treasurer to manage the investment pool in accordance with the Policy, pursuant to sections 53646(a) and 53607 of the Government Code.Pass Action details Not available
06-00113 A-19)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the Appointment of Cathy Schlottmann to the Santa Barbara Coastal Vector Control District, Third District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00118 A-20)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the Appointment of Ian R. Miller to the Goleta Cemetery District Board of Trustees, Second District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00119 A-21)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the Appointment of Terence Dressler to the Goleta Cemetery District Board of Trustees, Third District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00120 A-22)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the Appointment of Craig C. Geyer to the Goleta Cemetery District Board of Trustees, Third District.Pass Action details Not available
06-00131 A-23)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the County Formation Election: Ballot Arguments, as follows: (EST. TIME 60 MIN.) a) Receive and consider the argument in opposition to the Mission County Formation ballot measure (Measure H); and b) Decide whether additional Supervisors will join the argument.Pass Action details Not available
06-00109 A-24)Agenda ItemConsider the recommendations regarding 05AGP-00000-00028 (75-AP-034), Oak Investors Agricultural Preserve Non-Renewal, Assessor's Parcels 099-640-008, 135-010-019, -020 located approximately 3,200 feet south of the Highway 101 and 154 interchange, in the Los Olivos area, Third District, as follows: a) Accept the request for Non-Renewal of Agricultural Preserves 75-AP-034; and b) Authorize the Chair to execute the Notice of Non-Renewal Land Conservation Contract by the County.Pass Action details Not available
06-00124 A-25)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the Planning Commission's recommendation of approval regarding the proposed Rockwell Rezone and Conditional Use Permit, Case Nos. 05RZN-00000-00008 & 05CUP-00000-00036, AP No. 153-340-044, located on San Marcos Pass, 2 miles north of US Highway 101, addressed as 1520 San Marcos Pass, Goleta, Second District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Adopt the required findings for the Rezone, 05RZN-00000-00008, including the CEQA findings; b) Adopt the required findings for the Conditional Use Permit, 05CUP-00000-00036, including CEQA findings; c) Accept the Notice of Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15303 and 15061 (b)(3); d) Adopt a Rezone Ordinance for APN 153-340-044, amending the Inland Zoning Map, Exhibit Number 35-204.70.2, rezoning the property from 40-AL under Ordinance 661 to AG-II-40 under Article III; and e) Approve the Conditional Use Permit subject to conditions; Case No. 05CUP-00000-00036. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: Pass Action details Not available
06-00125 A-26)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Bloom appeal (05APL-00000-00036) of the Kaslow Lot Split (04TPM-00000-00002, TPM 14,648) located east of the town of Ballard in the Third Supervisorial District, APN: 137-070-018. The Board continued its action and directed staff to provide further information in several areas. (EST. TIME: 1 HR.) a) Adopt the required findings for the project specified in the Planning Commission's action letter dated December 27, 2005, including CEQA findings; b) Approve the Negative Declaration (05NGD-00000-00024) and adopt the mitigation monitoring program contained in the conditions of approval of the action letter; c) Deny the appeal and uphold the Planning Commission's December 14, 2005 approval of 04TPM-00000-00002; and d) Grant de novo approval of Case No. 04TPM-00000-00002 subject to the conditions included in the Planning Commission's action letter dated December 27, 2005. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
06-00004 3)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendations regarding the REQUEST FOR FINAL ACTION - Gaviota Coast Conservancy's Appeal of the Planning Commission's Approval of the Bean Blossom (Lot H) Residence and Accessory Structures on a 106.5-Acre Parcel on the Gaviota Coast. As a result of a facilitated resolution of the appeal, staff recommends that the Board modify the decision of the Planning Commission by approving a revised project (Consensus Project), as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.) a) Adopt the required findings of approval for Coastal Development Permit Case No. 02CDP-00000-00022 as specified in Attachment A of the staff's February 16, 2006 Board Agenda Letter; and b) Modify the decision of the Planning Commission, Appeal Case No. 04APL-00000-00005, pursuant to a facilitated resolution of the appeal, approving the Consensus Project and revised conditions of approval and granting de novo approval of the Coastal Development Permit Case No. 02CDP-00000-00022. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICY Pass Action details Not available
06-00126 4)Agenda ItemAppoint members of the Board of Supervisors to fill the two positions, regular member and alternate member, that will become vacant March 1, 2006 on the Local Agency Formation Commission. (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
06-00093 5)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendation regarding Proposition 4/111 Appropriations Limit, as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.) a) Accept the KPMG LLP Independent Auditors' Report on the Appropriations Limit Worksheet for the year ended June 30, 2005; b) Accept the report of the Proposition 4/111 Appropriation Limits (GANN Initiative) as shown in Exhibits I through IV of the Board Letter dated January 24, 2006; c) Consider the adoption of the following ten resolutions: i) Adopt a Resolution establishing an appropriation limit for FY 2005-06 for the County of Santa Barbara; ii) Adopt a Resolution establishing an appropriation limit for FY 2005-06 for Santa Barbara County Service Area No. 3; iii) Adopt a Resolution establishing an appropriation limit for FY 2005-06 for Santa Barbara County Service Area No. 4; iv) Adopt a Resolution establishing an appropriation limit for FY 2005-06 for Santa Barbara County Service Area No. 5; v) Adopt a Resolution establishing an appropriation limit for FY 2005-06 for Santa Barbara County Service Area No. 12; vi) Adopt a Resolution ePass Action details Not available
06-00089 6)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendations regarding the Thorson Appeal of the Planning Commission Denial of the Shadow Hills Archeological Easement Recorded Map and Development Plan Modifications to Allow Archaeological Testing, under case numbers 02RMM-00000-00011 and 04DVP-00000-000030, Appeal Case No. 05APL-00000-00031, Second District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.) a) Adopt the required findings for denial of the project specified in Attachment A of the staff report dated September 28, 2005, including CEQA findings; b) Accept the exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sec. 15270 included as Attachment B of the staff report dated September 28, 2005; and c) Deny the appeal, upholding the decision of the Planning Commission and deny the request for modification to conditions of Recorded Map 02RMM-00000-00011 and Development Plan 04DVP-00000-00003 to allow new archaeological testing, as set forth in the Planning Commission Action Letter dated November 14, 2005. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
06-00080 7)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the recommendations regarding the Tobacco Settlement Advisory Committee (TSAC) funding recommendations for FY 2006-07, changes to TSAC membership, term limits, and follow up response to the 2004-05 Santa Barbara County Civil Grand Jury report on TSAC, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Preliminarily approve one of three funding allocation options recommended by the Tobacco Settlement Advisory Committee (TSAC) for allocation of the FY 2006-07 tobacco settlement revenues. Final approval of the selected option will be made by the Board during the budget hearings for Fiscal Year 2006-07; i) Option 1: Receive a recommendation to allocate 100% of anticipated FY 2006-07 tobacco settlement revenues (estimated at $4,411,671) plus interest projected to be earned in FY 2005-06 (estimated at $122,788 for a total of $4,534,459) as described in the Board Letter; or ii) Option 2: Adopt the allocation recommendations as described in the Board Letter with a reduction of 5% ($222,188) to be deposited into the TSAC endowment and reduce each allocation in Option 1 by approxiPass Action details Not available