Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 8/14/2001 9:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleResultAction DetailsVideo
01-01068 A-2)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding a contractor on payroll agreement with Herman Schornstein, M.D. for mental health services, as follows: a) Approve and execute a payroll contract with Herman Schornstein, M.D. for the period of August 20, 2001 through June 30, 2002, in an amount not to exceed $78,300; b) Authorize the Director of Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services to approve amendments to the proposed contract, providing that any such amendments do not exceed 10% of the contract's dollar amount.Pass Action details Not available
01-01069 A-3)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding an amendment to the Mental Health Cooperative Agreement, as follows: a) Approve and execute an amendment to the Mental Health Cooperative Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara Department of Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services and the Department of Rehabilitation for the period of July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2003 decreasing the amount of the contract by $136,184, for a total amount not to exceed $569,223. b) Authorize the Office of the County Administrator to execute this ongoing Mental Health Cooperative Agreement.Pass Action details Not available
01-01093 A-4)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Goleta Slough Dredging Project, Second and Third Districts, as follows: a) Authorize the Public Works Director to advertise and receive bids for the project; b) Approve plans and specifications for the project.Pass Action details Not available
01-01078 A-5)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute a contract with the California Department of Forestry to reimburse the Santa Barbara County Fire Department for funds spent to implement and complete a brush clearing program and create a Wildland Fire Information Brochure to mitigate fire hazards in the County, in an amount not to exceed $17,500. Pass Action details Not available
01-01089 A-6)Agenda ItemApprove the recommendations developed by the Labor-Management Collaborative Energy Sub-committee regarding energy conservation measures for County facilities, All Districts. Pass Action details Not available
01-01090 A-7)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the acceptance of Real Property, Declaration As Surplus, Purchase Agreement for unimproved land in Humboldt County (APNs 102-152-02 & 106-201-04), as follows: a) Adopt the Resolution of Acceptance: Interest in Real Property, accepting the unimproved land located in the County of Humboldt granted to the County of Santa Barbara by the "Decree of Final Distribution on Waiver of Accounting, Report of Executor and Allowance of Statutory Attorneys' Fees," from the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda and endorsed April 15, 1986. The properties, known as Humboldt County APNs 102-152-02 and 106-201-04, total approximately 165 acres (hereinafter the "Property"); b) Adopt the Resolution Declaring Real Property as Surplus and Directing the Sale of Real Property, which declares the above referenced Property as surplus to County needs and directs the sale of the Property to the adjacent property owner; c) Approve and execute the Residential Purchase Agreement (and Receipt for Deposit), (hereinafter the "Agreement") between the Property ownePass Action details Not available
01-01085 A-8)Agenda ItemApprove and execute Amendment No. 1 to the Lease Agreement between the County, as lessee, and Nojoqui Falls Ranch Limited Partnership, as lessor, to include the Cost of Living Adjustment of 3.9% for the period of June 2000 through May 2001. Pass Action details Not available
01-01087 A-10)Agenda ItemApprove and execute an agreement with the City of Santa Barbara for implementation of Arts Consortium projects including the Art in Civic Culture grants program, Community Events and Festivals funding, Audience Development and Marketing grants and the State of the Art Sculpture Gallery for the period of July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. Pass Action details Not available
01-01088 A-11)Agenda ItemAdopt one (1) resolution effective September 3, 2001 to re-title the following job classes: Assistant Human Resources Director (#000859) from Assistant Personnel Director; Deputy Human Resources Director (#000041) from Deputy Personnel Director; Human Resources Analyst I (#005685) from Personnel Analyst I; Human Resources Analyst II (#005686) from Personnel Analyst II; Human Resources Analyst, Senior (#005695) from Personnel Analyst, Senior; Human Resources Analyst, Supervising (#005696) from Personnel Analyst, Supervising; Human Resources Specialist (#005697) from Personnel Assistant-Restricted; Human Resources Director (#005700) from Personnel Director; Human Resources Manager, Departmental (#005710) from Personnel Manager, Departmental.Pass Action details Not available
01-01079 A-12)Agenda ItemApprove and execute an Agreement to Provide and Rental Restrictive Covenant for the Maravilla Senior Community (APN 069-160-036) and authorize the Clerk of the Board to record, Second District. Pass Action details Not available
01-01066 A-13)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding Care Data Exchange Agreements, as follows: a) Approve and execute the First Addendum to the Agreement with Care Science, Inc. for the Santa Barbara Regional Health Authority to pay the County to participate in the Care Data Exchange Integration Project for the period of July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002 in the amount of $203,300 and for Care Science, Inc. to pay the County directly for project management in the amount of $50,000 for the period of July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002; b) Authorize the Director of the Public Health Department to sign the First Amendment to the SBRHA-County Care Data Alliance Agreement to pay the County $203,300 of this total payment under the SBRHA-County Care Data Alliance Agreement; c) Authorize the Director of Public Health to execute the First Amendment to the Agreement with Creative Computer Applications, Inc. for computer equipment, application software, interfaces and implementation services in the amount of $51,299.Pass Action details Not available
01-01067 A-14)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding an intent to Contract with California Department of Social Services for Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Treatment (CAPIT) and Community Based Family Resource and Support (CBFRS) funding, as follows: a) Approve and execute the Notice of Intent to contract with the California Department of Social Services for the receipt of Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Treatment and Community Based Family Resource and Support funds for the period July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2005 in an amount yet to be determined; b) Designate the Human Services Program of the Public Health Department as administrator of these funds.Pass Action details Not available
01-01075 A-15)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Old Coast Highway Bridge Replacement 51C-113, located 1/2 mile east of Highway 101 and west of Nojoqui County Park, Third District, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Temporary Entry Permit between the County and Nojoqui Falls Ranch Limited Partnership for topographical surveying and geotechnical soils testing on a portion of real property (APNs 081-020-023 and -031); b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Temporary Entry Permit between the County and Steven Van Vlack Stine and Elizabeth Nancy Stine (Stines) for topographical surveying and geotechnical soils testing on a portion of real property (APN 081-020-024); c) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Temporary Entry Permit between the County and Stines for archaeological and cultural resource surveying on a portion of real property (APN 081-020-024).Pass Action details Not available
01-01076 A-16)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding construction of 1998 STIP Augmentation Program Fiscal Year 2000-01 Asphalt Concrete Overlay, Third and Fifth Districts, as follows: a) Approve plans and specifications for the project; b) Award and authorize the Chair to execute the construction contract with the lowest responsible bidder A.J. Diani Construction, Inc. (a local vendor) in the amount of $1,686,492, subject to the provisions of documents and certification as set forth in the plans and as required by California law; c) Approve a contingency fund in the amount of $96,824.60 for the project.Pass Action details Not available
01-01077 A-17)Agenda ItemAccept a Notice of Completion for work performed by Whitaker Contractors, Inc. (not a local vendor) for Storm Damage Repair on Mail Road 0.15 miles south of State Highway 246, Third District. Pass Action details Not available
01-01070 A-18)Agenda ItemAccept the Annual Report of the KIDS Network of Santa Barbara County for 2000-01. Pass Action details Not available
01-01071 A-19)Agenda ItemApprove and execute agreements with three vendors to provide job placement and job retention services under the Department of Labor Welfare-to-Work Grant Program for the period of July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2004, as follows: a) Approve and execute an agreement with Work, Inc. (a local vendor) in the amount of $216,464; b) Approve and execute an agreement with Work Training Programs (a local vendor) in the amount of $481,757; c) Approve and execute an agreement with Curtis and Associates (not a local vendor) in the amount of $226,776.Pass Action details Not available
01-01072 A-20)Agenda ItemApprove and execute agreements with vendors to provide services to strengthen families under the CalWORKs Incentive Grant Program for the period of August 1, 2001 through July 31, 2002, as follows: a) Approve and execute an agreement with St. Vincent's (a local vendor) in the amount of $233,795; b) Approve and execute an agreement with Allan Hancock College (a local vendor) in the amount of $296,502; c) Approve and execute an agreement with The United Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara, Inc. (a local vendor) in the amount of $274,350; d) Approve and execute an agreement with The Community Action Commission (a local vendor) in the amount of $114,605.Pass Action details Not available
01-01091 A-21)Agenda ItemConsider an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2000-01 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and program reuse plan revisions, as follows: a) Adopt a resolution approving the revised CDBG Program Income Reuse Plan for the County Housing Program; b) Approve an amendment to the FY 2000-01 CDBG agreement to include the revised Program Income Reuse Plan.Pass Action details Not available
01-01095 A-22)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Alex Rodriguez to the Affirmative Action Commission, Second District. Pass Action details Not available
01-01096 A-23)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of David Frank Stone to the Historical Landmarks Advisory Commission, Second District. Pass Action details Not available
01-01094 A-24)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Penny Bloodhart to the Commission for Women, First District. Pass Action details Not available
01-01097 A-25)Appointment/BOS itemAdopt a resolution indicating support for efforts of the City of Santa Maria to obtain a revised solid waste facility permit to improve the north County solid waste disposal facility operated at the Santa Maria Landfill, Fifth District. Pass Action details Not available
01-01092 A-26)Agenda ItemHEARING - Review and adopt the recommended Board of Supervisors' responses to the 2000-01 Grand Jury Report on Detention Facilities and Sheriff's Department Issues. (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
01-01080 A-27)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding a Santa Barbara County and University of California Santa Barbara joint proposal for Ellwood Mesa and Devereux Slough Regional Open Space and Development Plan, as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS. 30 MIN.) a) Approve suspending the processing of Monarch Point Reserve TM 14,514 and 99-DP-010; b) Initiate a revised specific plan and Local Coastal Program Amendment for the Ellwood Beach-Santa Barbara Shores Specific Plan area which subsumes the Park Master Plan and direct staff to coordinate the preparation and submittal of an integrated specific plan and LRDP amendment to the Coastal Commission concentrating residential development next to developed areas and ensuring contiguous coastal bluff open space from Sandpiper to Isla Vista, and authorize the County to coordinate with the University in preparing an EIR for the proposal; c) Direct staff to seek legislation that would allow exchange of the County's Santa Barbara Shores Park north of Devereux Creek (a portion of APN 79-210-67) and SBDP's Monarch Point Reserve property (APN 79-210-13Pass Action details Not available
01-01081 A-28)OrdinanceHEARING - Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an ordinance modifying Chapter 10 of the Santa Barbara County Code, ยง 10-11.2, to require safety fencing within five (5) feet of the bluff edge at occupied residential properties along the Isla Vista Bluffs. (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.) (01-22,143) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
01-01082 A-29)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Oak Protection Program and Rural Resource Protection Program, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR. 30 MIN.) a) Receive a briefing on the status of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and progress on the Rural Resource Protection Program and its relationship to the Oak Protection Program; b) Direct staff to continue with previous Board direction to process the Oak Protection Program separately from the Resource Protection Program and to return to the Board in January 2002 with the Oak Protection Program for consideration; c) Consider whether to direct the Resource Protection Program Technical Advisory Committee to consider oak protection within the context of the proposed management plan permit exemption. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
01-01083 A-30)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the Goleta Old Town Heritage District Architecture and Design Guidelines, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Adopt a resolution approving the Goleta Old Town Heritage District Architecture and Design Guidelines; b) Adopt a finding that the Board of Supervisors reviewed the addendum dated September 6, 2001 and determine that the addendum together with the previously certified Environmental Impact Report dated June 1997 (96-EIR-05) have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of CEQA and are adequate for this project; c) Adopt the required findings. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
01-01084 A-31)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the approval of bylaws for the Santa Barbara County Board of Architectural Review. (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
01-01073 A-32)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Adult and Aging Network's Community Report, as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.) a) Accept a report on the Status of Older Adults in Santa Barbara County as a guide for prioritization and planning; b) Approve the inclusion of the health and welfare of older adults in strategic planning for the County and the Department of Social Services, the Public Health Department, Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services, and the Sheriff's Department. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
01-00637 1)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an Ordinance repealing and re-enacting Article II of Chapter 2 of the Santa Barbara County Code to adjust the boundaries of all supervisorial districts in the County of Santa Barbara. (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
01-01065 2)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Board of Supervisors' response to the 2000-01 Grand Jury report entitled "A New Look at Area Planning Commissions", as follows:(EST. TIME: 20 MIN.) a) Adopt the responses included as Attachment 1 to the Board Letter dated August 14, 2001 as the Board of Supervisors' responses to the 2000-01 Grand Jury Report on "A New Look at Area Planning Commissions"; b) Authorize the Chair to execute a letter forwarding these responses to the Presiding Judge. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
01-00835 3)OrdinanceHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Laguna County Sanitation District, Board Ordinance and Resolution relative to collection of service charges, connection fees and trunk line fees on the tax roll, Fourth and Fifth Districts, as follows: (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.) a) Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an ordinance entitled An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 3130, to increase service charges and connection fees and maintain other rules and regulations for the Laguna County Sanitation District; b) Receive a Report on Proposed Service Charges and Connection Fees; c) Adopt a resolution approving a report listing service and connection fees in the Laguna County Sanitation District and providing for collection on the tax rolls. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
01-00765 4)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Child Care Planning Council Needs Assessment, Strategic Plan, Bylaws and Membership and approve and authorize the Chair to execute documents to be submitted by the County of Santa Barbara Child Care Planning Council to the California Department of Education, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Needs Assessment of Santa Barbara County Child Care Planning Council; b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Comprehensive Countywide Strategic Plan of the Santa Barbara County Child Care Planning Council; c) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Bylaws of the County of Santa Barbara County Child Care Planning Council; d) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Membership Certification of the Santa Barbara County Child Care Planning Council. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
01-00829 5)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the organizational structure for the Department of Housing and Community Development, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Receive a follow-up report regarding the Department of Housing and Community Development; b) Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an Ordinance amending Article X Section 2-75 of the County Code, regarding the County Administrator's duties to include the appointment and removal of that Director of Housing and Community Development subject to approval of the Board of Supervisors. County Administrator's Recommendation: PolicyPass Action details Not available
01-01048 6)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider directing the County Administrator to enter into an agreement with Waterman and Associates (not a local vendor) to perform specialized Federal Legislative Advocacy Services for a period of one year, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.(EST. TIME: 20 MIN.) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available