| A-1) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation for Merv Aftergut, Probation Institutions Manager, upon his retirement after 35 years of service to the County of Santa Barbara. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-2) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution Proclaiming March 8, 2003 as International Women's Day in Santa Barbara County. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-3) | Agenda Item | Approve the use of available funds within County Service Area 11 (CSA 11) for three special projects within the CSA (Wallace Ave/Beach Access, Summerland/Greenwell Preserve Community Building, Summerland/Greenwell reserve Parking Area) in the approximate amount of $390,000. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-4) | Agenda Item | Approve Budget Revision requests. (SEE EXHIBIT A WITH POSTED AGENDA) | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-5) | Agenda Item | Approve a budget revision to appropriate $27,000 from the South Coast West Development Fee Trust Fund (#1405) for structural improvements to Goleta Beach pier, Second District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-6) | Agenda Item | Consider the release of Subdivision Improvement Bond for TM 14,281 (Pozatto) located on the west side of San Antonio Creek Road adjacent to La Riata Lane, Goleta area, as follows:
a) Release the following four securities which were issued to guarantee the construction of an approved private sewage collection system and lift station to serve residential lots created by TM 14,281, the Pozzato Subdivision, located at 1330 La Riata Lane in the Goleta Area:
i. Mid-State Bank Irrevocable Letter of Credit Number 99-94-0026 (Faithful Performance Bond for the private sewage collection system), in the amount of $72,000, dated June 28, 1999;
ii. Mid-State Bank Irrevocable Letter of Credit Number 99-94-0024 (Faithful Performance Bond for the private lift station), in the amount of $75,250, dated June 28, 1999;
iii. Mid State Bank Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Labor and Materials for the private sewage collection system) in the amount of $72,000 dated June 28, 1999;
iv. Mid State Bank Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Labor and Materials for | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-8) | Agenda Item | Adopt a resolution establishing a "No Parking" zone on Hope Avenue, south of State Route 192, Santa Barbara area, Second District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-9) | Agenda Item | Adopt a resolution establishing a "No Parking 7 AM to 3 PM School Days Only" zone on Dahlia Place, Orcutt area, Fourth District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-10) | Agenda Item | Accept the offer of road easements for Shaw Street and Foxen Lane, as offered on Tentative Parcel Map 14,558, Los Alamos area, Third District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-11) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the Isla Vista Sidewalk Project (Project No. 310300), Third District, as follows:
a) Accept an Easement Deed for a permanent easement conveyed from Nebhut Smith to the County of Santa Barbara for sidewalk, roadway and public utility purposes at 6597 Trigo Road, Isla Vista (APN 075-211-001) by authorizing the Clerk of the Board to execute the Certificate of Acceptance attached thereto;
b) Accept an Easement Deed for a permanent easement conveyed from Dean Brunner et al. to the County of Santa Barbara for sidewalk, roadway and public utility purposes at 6608 Sueno Road, Isla Vista (APN 075-101-013) by authorizing the Clerk of the Board to execute the Certificate of Acceptance attached thereto;
c) Accept an Easement Deed for a permanent easement conveyed from Roderick Kenaston to the County of Santa Barbara for sidewalk, roadway and public utility purposes at 6606 Pasado Road, Isla Vista (APN 075-102-018) by authorizing the Clerk of the Board to execute the Certificate of Acceptance attached thereto. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-12) | Agenda Item | Review and approve the Statement of Final Quantities for work performed and materials supplied for the Tajiguas Landfill Sedimentation Control Structure (Solid Waste Project No. 828334; County Project No. 720625) by the Contractor, John Madonna Construction (not a local vendor), in the amount of $379,196.72, Third District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-13) | Agenda Item | Release the monument deposit collected in the amount of $3,000 posted to insure the setting of the interior monumentation for Tract no. 14,507 (George Tract), Fourth District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-14) | Agenda Item | Waive the formal bidding process and authorize the County Purchasing Agent to procure one Asphalt Distributor from Bear Cat Manufacturing (not a local vendor) in the amount of $80,000 , Third, Fourth and Fifth Districts. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-15) | Agenda Item | Approve and execute a one year extension to the existing Professional Services Contract with Nazneen Ashan for engineering aide services for the period of March 18, 2003 through March 17, 2004, in an amount not to exceed $47,416. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-16) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding Jalama Road Improvements (County Project No. 860039), Third District, as follows:
a) Approve the project and the Categorical Exemption (CE) pursuant to the County's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines as adequate environmental review for the Jalama Road Improvements Project;
b) Authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise for construction bids for the project. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-17) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding Construction of 2002-03 Measure 'D' South County Asphalt Concrete Overlay (County Project No. 810493), First and Second Districts, as follows:
a) Approve plans and specifications for Construction of 2002-03 Measure 'D' South County Asphalt Concrete Overlay in the First and Second Supervisorial Districts, in Santa Barbara County, County Project No. 810493;
b) Award the construction contract in the amount of $852,980 to the lowest responsible bidder, Granite Construction Co. (not a local vendor), subject to the provisions of documents and certification, as set forth in the plans and specifications applicable to the project and as required by law;
c) Authorize the Chair to execute the construction contract upon return of the Contractor's executed contract documents and the review and approval of the County Counsel, Auditor Controller and Risk Manager or their authorized representatives;
d) Approve a contingency fund in the amount of $55,149 for Construction of 2002-03 Measure 'D' South County Asphalt Concrete Overlay in the First and S | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-18) | Agenda Item | Approve an increase in the construction contract with A.J. Diani Construction Company, Inc. for additional work required at the site, in the amount of $85,000 for the Construction of Ballard Canyon Landfill Final Closure, for a total in the amount of $708,931.28. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-19) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the appointment of Roxanne S. Ventriglia to the Affirmative Action Commission, Fourth District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-20) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Adopt a resolution revising land use fees for Planning and Development. (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.)
Action details
Not available
| A-21) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider the appeal of Robert Kooyman, agent for the owner Pinecliff Homeowners Association, of the Zoning Administrator's December 2, 2002 decision to approve a Coastal Development Permit with Hearing (02CDH-00000-00021) to validate the unpermitted removal of a previously existing Monterey Cypress Tree from the County Road Right-of-Way, with a condition to require installation of a replacement 48" box Monterey Cypress tree, located at 1500 Miramar Beach (APN 009-420-CA) Montecito area, First District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Adopt the required findings for the project specified in the Zoning Administrator Action Letter, dated December 3, 2002;
b) Deny the above referenced appeal (03APL-00000-00001), thereby upholding the Zoning Administrator's approval of the Coastal Development Permit with Hearing 02CDH-00000-00021;
c) Grant de novo approval of the Coastal Development Permit with Hearing 02CDH-00000-00021 included in the Zoning Administrator Staff Report dated October 24, 2002, subject to the conditions of approval included in the Zoning Administrato | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-22) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider work program tasks and budget estimates for amending the County's Uniform Rules implementing preserves under the Williamson Act, 1965 and provide direction as appropriate. (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
Action details
Not available
| 1) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider the appeal of Jeff Hopson of the Planning Commission's May 8, 2002 approval of the Harp Springs Project (98-DP-017, TM 14,478, 02APL-00000-00018), located at the terminus of Harp Road, Orcutt, Fourth District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR. 30 MIN.)
a) Approve the Addendum to Environmental Impact Report 95-EIR-01 (revised in the Board Letter dated April 8, 2003) and find that together with 95-EIR-01 it is adequate to comply with the requirements for environmental review of the project;
b) Adopt the required findings for the project (revised in the Board Letter dated April 8, 2003) specified in the Planning Commission action letter dated May 17, 2002;
c) Approve TM 14,478 and 98-DP-017 subject to the conditions included in the Planning Commission action letter dated May 17, 2002, as revised by the Board;
d) Adopt the mitigation monitoring and reporting plan contained within the conditions of approval;
e) Approve road naming, 98-RN-010, to name the public roadways Hollysprings Lane and Cosima Court;
f) Deny the appeal of Jeff Hopson.
COUNTY | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding County Workforce EEO Statistics and Revised Sexual Harassment Prevention/ Discrimination Policy, as follows: (EST. TIME: 40 MIN.)
a) Receive report regarding the current County workforce gender, race and ethnicity data compared to the 1990 Census figures;
b) Review and adopt the Anti-Harassment Policy for the County of Santa Barbara.
Action details
Not available
| 3) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Measure "D" 1/2 Cent Sales Tax for Transportation for all Districts, as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.)
a) Adopt a Resolution for the Measure "D" Five-Year Local Program of Projects for Fiscal Years 2003-04 through 2007-08, for submittal to the Santa Barbara County Local Transportation Authority for acceptance;
b) Reaffirm Resolution 89-465, which established priorities and policies for the use of the local portion of the one-half cent sales tax for the transportation needs in Santa Barbara County;
c) Approve Notice of Exemption pursuant to the County's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for the above;
d) Re-affirm or consider revisions to Measure "D" distribution formula for allocation of revenues within Supervisorial Districts;
e) Direct staff to prepare Fiscal Year 2003-04 Road Maintenance Annual Plan based upon approved Measure "D" distribution formula.
Action details
Not available
| 4) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of proposed amendments to Chapter 14 of the County Code (Grading Ordinance) regarding the Oak Protection and Regeneration Program, Case Number 02-ORD-5. (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.)
Action details
Not available