| 1) | Agenda Item | Closed Session Agenda | |
Action details
Not available
| A-1) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Tamra Reza of the Treasurer/ Tax Collector/Public Administrator/Guardian as the Santa Barbara County Employee of the Month for January 2008. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-2) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation recognizing Elliot Schulman, M.D. as the Santa Barbara County Medical Society's 2007 Physician of the Year. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-3) | Honorary Resolution | Adopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Lieutenant Sol Linver for his exemplary service to the community of Isla Vista. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-4) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 1 to the contract with Brown Armstrong Paulden McCown Starbuck Thornburgh & Keeter Accountancy Corporation (BC 07-117) (not a local vendor) in the amount of $128,400 to perform the County's fiscal year 2007-08 financial audit and single audit, and the First 5 Commission's fiscal year 2007-08 financial audit, and the Redevelopment Agency's (RDA) fiscal year 2007-08 financial and compliance audits. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-5) | Agenda Item | Approve the certification of the December 13, 2007 Board of Retirement Election of Shawn Terris to the General Member Position; Julie McCammon to the Safety Member Position; and Fred Tan to the Alternate Safety Position. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-6) | Agenda Item | Approve the Application for Destruction of Records that have been inactive for more than 3 years and are no longer required by law to be retained. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-7) | Agenda Item | Approve an Amendment to Salary Resolution No. 07-207 to include the classifications of Collections Officer I/II (Class # 001773, #001774) in the first phase of the Clerical Classification and Compensation Project. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-8) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a janitorial service contract for Goleta County Facilities with Mendez Services, Inc. (a local vendor) of Santa Barbara. This will be in the amount of $7,795.00 per month for a total cost of $116,925.00 for a fifteen (15) month period to run from April 1, 2008 through June 31, 2009. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-9) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the Cuyama Aquatics Complex, Project No. 8656, Fifth District, as follows:
a) Approve the plans and specifications for the Cuyama Aquatics Complex; and
b) Authorize the General Services Department to advertise the Cuyama Aquatics Complex project for public bidding. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-10) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the Public Health Department Santa Barbara Animal Shelter Dog Kennel Replacement, Second District, as follows:
a) Approve the plans and specifications to replace the dog kennels and roof at the Santa Barbara Animal Shelter: 5473 Overpass Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111; and
b) Authorize the General Services Department to advertise the Project for public bidding. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-11) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the La Morada Youth Center Construction Contract Amendment No. 3, Project No. 8658, 66 South San Antonio Rd., Santa Barbara, Second District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 3 to the contract with Beachside Associates (a local vendor), for the La Morada Youth Center in the amount of $54,173.31, for a total contract amount of $431,149.47; and
b) Approve and execute the Notice of Completion. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-12) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the Greenwell Preserve Adaptive Reuse and Seismic Retrofit, Project No. DG0033; First District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Statement of Final Quantities for the Greenwell Preserve Adaptive Reuse and Seismic Retrofit, Project No. DG0033 by the contractor, EJS Construction, (a local vendor) P.O. Box 939, Carpinteria, CA 93014, in the amount of $209,960.38; and
b) Accept the Notice of Completion for the project. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-13) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding a Resolution approving the application for grant funds from the Recreational Trails Program to fund the Franklin Trail, Carpinteria Area, First District, as follows:
a) Adopt the attached resolution approving the filing of an application for grant funds from the Recreational Trails Program administered by the State Department of Parks and Recreation for funding to design and develop the Franklin Trail in the Carpinteria Area; and
b) Authorize the Director of Parks to act as agent for the County of Santa Barbara to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to applications, agreements and payment which may be necessary for the completion of the project. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-14) | Agenda Item | Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the CREF contract (BC-08-065) with the Santa Maria Valley Discovery Museum, in the amount of $45,000, to install a Tide & Seek exhibit at its Discovery Museum, for the period of January 8, 2008 to December 31, 2008, Fifth District. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-15) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the acceptance of two donations to the Public Health Department Franklin Clinic and California Children's Services Agency Fund for $313.55 and $10,000, as follows:
a) Accept a gift of $313.55 from the Orfalea Fund, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, to the Public Health Department Franklin Clinic for children's waiting room furniture; and
b) Accept a gift of $10,000 from the Orfalea Fund, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, to the California Children's Services Agency Fund. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-16) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the Santa Maria Women's Center lease, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a five-year lease agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and Pacific Medical Buildings Santa Maria, LLC for the Santa Maria Women's Center located at 116 South Palisades Drive in the amount of $7,376.20 per month for the period March 1, 2008 to February 28, 2013 for a total amount of $88,514.40 for the first year and an approximate total contract amount of $442,572. Annual increases are based upon the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index and are anticipated to be in the 3-4% range; and
b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a License Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and the Pacific Medical Buildings Santa Maria, LLC for lease of basement storage area at no additional charge. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-17) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding the construction of the 2007 Paving Project at the Tajiguas Landfill, Santa Barbara County No. 828721, Third District, as follows:
a) Accept the Notice of Completion for work performed by the Contractor, Union Asphalt, Inc. (a local vendor), Post Office Box 1280, Santa Maria, California 93456; and
b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Statement of Final Quantities for work performed and materials supplied for this project by the Contractor in the amount of $565,108.41. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-18) | Agenda Item | Adopt a Resolution accepting portions of Mooncrest Lane, Kenai Court, Beverly Drive, Beverly Court, Kapalua Drive, Main Street, Moonglow Road and Onstott Road into the County Road Maintained System, Third and Fourth Districts. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-19) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding Contract Amendment No. 1 to the Welfare Client Data Systems Consortium Information Technology Agreement for the Development, Implementation, Maintenance, and Operation of CalWORKs Information Network (CalWIN) with Electronic Data Systems (EDS), as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 1 to extend the term of the Agreement with Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS) for CalWORKs Information Network (CalWIN) Development, Implementation, Maintenance and Operation Services by twenty-six (26) additional months effective upon execution date through July 31, 2010, and increase Santa Barbara County's share of the consortia amount of the contract by $3,713,888, for a total not to exceed $12,574,019. The total cost of the agreement is shared by 18 California Counties;
b) Authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services to approve future amendments to the aforementioned contract provided that any such amendment to the contract is not in variance of more than 10% of the contract dollar amount; and
c) Autho | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-20) | Agenda Item | Receive and file the DNA Identification Fund Report for calendar years 2005 and 2006. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-21) | Agenda Item | Consider recommendations regarding personnel action in the Treasurer-Tax Collector Department, as follows:
a) Adopt an HR Resolution effective January 14, 2008 adding one (1.0 FTE) Financial Systems Analyst I/II (003510/003511), Range 6266/6366 ($5,523-6,742 per month/ $5,805-7,807 per month) and;
b) Authorize and approve a Budget Revision Request to establish funding for the position. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-22) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the appointment of Thomas J. Mendoza to the Human Services Commission, First District, Term: 1/8/08 - 6/30/10. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-23) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the reappointment of Marilyn D. Anticouni to the Assessment Appeals Board No. 1, First District, Term: 9/1/07 - 9/1/10. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-24) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the appointment of Keith J. Mautino to the Historic Landmarks Advisory Committee, Second District, Term: 1/8/08 - 12/31/10. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-25) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the appointment of Glen Morris to the South Coast Board of Architectural Review, Second District, Term: 1/8/08 - 12/31/10. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-26) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the reappointment of Camillo "Mel" Wilde to the Assessment Appeals Board No. 2, Fourth District, Term: 9/1/07 - 9/1/10. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-27) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the appointment of Lisa Morinini to the Mental Health Commission, Fourth District, Term: 1/8/08 - 1/1/11. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-28) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the appointment of George Wittenburg to the Santa Barbara County Fish and Game Commission, Fourth District, Term: 1/8/08 - 12/31/08. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-29) | Appointment/BOS item | Approve the appointment of Dorothy M. Laine to the Agricultural Advisory Committee, Fifth District, Term: 1/8/08 - open. | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| A-30) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding core Adult Mental Health services of the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services Department (ADMHS), as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS.)
a) Receive a status report regarding ADMHS' implementation of a Restructuring Plan which brings expenditures in core Adult Mental Health services into balance with available revenue for FY 2008-09; and
b) Approve any necessary Budget Revision Requests to transfer funds for mental health services for FY 2007-2008 in the amount of $2.3 million. (4/5 vote required)
Action details
Not available
| A-31) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Potential Financial Alternatives - Revenue Update, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
a) Receive a staff report on Potential Financial Alternatives - Revenue Update; and
b) Consider and provide direction to staff on the Potential Financial Alternatives - Revenue Update.
Action details
Not available
| A-32) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding onshore oil facilities update, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Receive a staff report on the status of the onshore facilities program; and
b) Receive an update on the five recommendations concerning potential new ordinances and staff practices adopted by the Board of Supervisors on January 15, 2008.
Action details
Not available
| A-33) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the staff recommendation for Santa Barbara County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), as follows: (EST. TIME: 40 MIN.)
a) Receive a report and recommendations from staff regarding the Operational Area and County Emergency Operations Center (EOC);
b) Accept the staff report and recommendation to proceed with the planning, building and other activities required to build an Operational Area and County EOC in the south coast area, Second District; and
c) Direct staff, as part of the County's emergency operational readiness, to incorporate features into the recently approved Santa Maria Government Center Project that allow that center to function as an alternate EOC in the north county.
Action details
Not available
| A-34) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the existing procedure of the acceptance of general plan amendments and/or rezones in the Draft Santa Ynez Valley Community Plan (SYVCP) boundary, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 2 HRS.)
a) Adopt the findings for approving revision and clarification regarding county procedures for rezones and general plan amendments in the proposed Santa Ynez Valley Community Plan Area boundary;
b) Accept the Notice of Exemption; and
c) Adopt a resolution approving a revision and clarification regarding county procedures for rezones and general plan amendments in the proposed Santa Ynez Valley Community Plan Area boundary.
Action details
Not available
| A-35) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Regional Boards of Architectural Review, as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.)
a) Consider the adoption (second reading) of an Ordinance (Case No. 08ORD-00000-00001) amending Section 14 of Ordinance No. 4584 to change the expiration of the ordinance from March 1, 2008 to December 31, 2013; and
b) Consider directing Planning and Development to return with (1) a fee increase for BAR applications to offset increased costs as part of the fee resolution for fiscal year 08/09 and, (2) an ordinance amendment to Article V of Chapter 2 of the County Code to provide for compensation for Montecito Board of Architectural Review members.
Action details
Not available
| A-36) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding a contract to upgrade existing permit tracking system (Accela), as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a contract with Accela, Inc for the acquisition and implementation of a new Permit Tracking System in the amount of $573,535.00 ($18,995.00 license fees, and $554,540.00 for implementation services);
b) Authorize the Director of Planning and Development to approve change orders to the agreement that total less than $65,000.00 for contingencies;
c) Authorize and approve a Budget Revision request to obtain a General Fund Strategic Reserve interest-free loan previously recommended by the Debt Advisory Committee in the amount of $573,535.00;
d) Adopt a Resolution for Land Development Fees, extending the Technology Fee originally scheduled to sunset in 2008; and
e) Pursuant to County's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, approve the Notice of Exemptions from the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA) exemption under the Public Resource Code, section 21080, subdivision (b) (8 | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider Board of Supervisor appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
a) Mental Health Commission - one regular member, one alternate member;
b) Area Agency on Aging (Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens) - one regular member to Advisory Council;
c) Library Advisory Committee - one regular member;
d) Retirement Board of the Santa Barbara County Employees Retirement System - one regular member;
e) Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara County - one regular member, one alternate
f) Santa Barbara Regional Health Authority - one regular member;
g) Goleta Valley Community Center Board of Directors - one regular member, one alternate member;
h) Beach Erosion Authority for Control Operations and Nourishment (BEACON) - two regular
i) City/County Homeless Advisory Committee - two regular members as Co-Chairs;
j) Law Library Board of Trustees - Chair as Ex-Officio Member;
k) K.I.D.S. Network Policy Council - two members to serve as Chair and Vice-Chair;
l) Legislative Prog | |
Action details
Not available
| 2) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Approve submission of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Five-Year Plan modification update for 2007-08 as required by State Directive. (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.)
Action details
Not available
| 3) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Receive and file a report regarding the Public Works Department 2007 Customer Satisfaction Survey. (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.)
Action details
Not available
| 4) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Proposition 172 and Sheriff Department budget update, as follows: (EST. TIME: 40 MIN.)
a) Receive an update on Proposition 172 revenues and reaffirm departments must maintain balanced budgets even if expenditure reductions are required to meet lower Proposition 172 revenue estimates; and
b) Receive an update on the Sheriff's department budget and consider action to balance the Sheriff's department's budget.
Action details
Not available
| 5) | Agenda Item | HEARING - Adopt by resolution the necessary amendment to the County's CEQA Guidelines and Environmental Thresholds documents to effectuate a Beneficial Ecological Restoration Project definition and habitat replacement requirements, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Adopt a Resolution amending the County of Santa Barbara Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act for the definition and requirements for a Beneficial Ecological Restoration Project;
b) Adopt a Resolution amending the County of Santa Barbara Environmental Thresholds and Guidelines Manual - Habitat Replacement/Compensation Guidelines to provide corresponding reference for Beneficial Ecological Restoration Projects; and
c) Find that these amendments are statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Sections 15378(a) of the Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA.
Action details
Not available