Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 8/28/2007 9:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleResultAction DetailsVideo
07-00862  Agenda ItemClosed Session Agenda  Action details Not available
07-00834 A-1)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to executed the Owner's Agreement to Construct and Maintain Private Drainage Improvements and Private Drainage and Maintenance Easements with the Music Academy of the West for Development Case No. 90-CP-111-RV01 (APNs: 009-282-29, and -30), First District.Pass Action details Not available
07-00835 A-2)Agenda ItemAdopt a Resolution reaffirming the ongoing existence of Local Emergency due to the Zaca Fire.Pass Action details Not available
07-00836 A-3)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding amending the existing contract to replace the County's Recurring Performance Measures and Project Reporting Systems, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a contract amendment with SAP Public Services (not a local vendor) in the amount of $102,359 to replace the County's Recurring Performance Measures (RPM) System; and b) Authorize the County Executive Officer to execute a future amendment to the proposed contract amendment to provide training and technical assistance in an amount not to exceed $15,000Pass Action details Not available
07-00839 A-4)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding Classification and Position Changes, as follows: a) Adopt a resolution, effective August 27, 2007: Establish Job Classifications: EDP Systems & Programming Analyst I-R (Class #2551), Range 6136, ($5,176-$6,319/month). EDP Systems & Programming Analyst II-R (Class #2554), Range 6336, ($5,719-$6,981/month). Position Reallocation-Human Resources: CEO/Human Resources (#1010) Reclassify: From: 1.0 FTE Computer Systems Spec I/II-R (Class 2173/2176) To: 1.0 FTE EDP Sys & Prog Anlst I/II-R (Class 2551/2554) Position Reallocation-Public Works Public Works - Solid Waste (#8810) Reclassify: From: 1.0 FTE Public Works Prgm Spec Sr (Class 6357) To: 1.0 FTE Staff Analyst (Class 7095) Public Works - Flood Control (#8998) Add: 1.0 FTE Departmental Asst Sr (Class 2168) Delete: 1.0 FTE Hydrologist (Class 4097) Special Duty Pay GENERAL SERVICES Delete 5% Special Duty Pay for 1 HVAC Specialist. b) Adopt a resolution, effective August 27, 2007: Designate Position No. 4888, Executive Secretary for the County Executive OfPass Action details Not available
07-00832 A-5)Agenda ItemAdopt a resolution amending the budget of the State Community Development Block Grant funding Women's Economic Ventures, First District.Pass Action details Not available
07-00837 A-6)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the addition of an alternate member to the Regional Conservation Strategy Conservation Steering Committee, as follows: a) Approve the appointment of a new alternate representative to the Conservation Steering Committee for the California Tiger Salamander Regional Conservation Strategy project; and b) Approve the transposition of The Nature Conservancy's committee member with its alternate member.Pass Action details Not available
07-00688 A-7)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the contracts to provide meals at the Santa Barbara Juvenile Hall, Villa Esperanza, Camino Segundo, and Casa Floral Counseling and Education Centers (CECs), as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a with Community Action Commission (CAC) to provide lunch at the Santa Barbara Juvenile Hall, Susan J. Gionfriddo Juvenile Justice Center, Villa Esperanza, Camino Segundo, and Casa Floral Counseling and Education Centers for the 2007-08 fiscal year and dinner at the Susan J. Gionfriddo Juvenile Justice Center from July 1 to August 31, 2007 with a not to exceed amount of $369,077; and b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a contract with the Vocational Training Center (VTC) to provide dinner at the Susan J. Gionfriddo Juvenile Justice Center from September 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 with a not to exceed amount of $125,654.Pass Action details Not available
07-00845 A-8)Agenda ItemAuthorize the Director of Public Works to advertise for construction bids for the Construction of Summerland Circulation and Parking Improvements on Ortega Hill Road and Lillie Avenue, County Project No. 862256, First District.Pass Action details Not available
07-00833 A-9)Agenda ItemReceive a report from the Resource Recovery and Waste Management Division on Cuyama Valley Solid Waste Services.Pass Action details Not available
07-00838 A-10)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Isla Vista Foot Patrol, Project No. 2388, Third District., as follows: (4/5 Vote Required) a) Approve the substitution of subcontractors under Public Contract Code section 4107 (a) (5) and determine that the omission of already listed subcontractors in the 'blank' lines on the Subcontractors Listing Form of the Bid Documents was due to a clerical error; b) Authorize the Chair to award and execute the Construction Contract in the amount of $3,727,305. with the lowest responsible bidder, McGillivray Construction, Inc., (not a local vendor) subject to provision of the documents and certification as set forth in the plans and specifications applicable to the project and as required by California Law; and c) Authorize the Sheriff to approve and sign Change Orders up to 10 percent of the original award amount or a maximum of $372,731.Pass Action details Not available
07-00841 A-11)Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to execute an agreement with the City of Santa Barbara for supplemental security services during special events for the period from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010 in an amount that reimburses actual direct costs. (4/5 Vote Required)Pass Action details Not available
07-00830 A-13)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Jan Winter as an alternate to the Mental Health Commission, First District.Pass Action details Not available
07-00844 A-14)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the reappointment of Ron Tan to the Housing Authority Commission, Second District.Pass Action details Not available
07-00825 A-15)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the reappointment of Warren Reeder to the Assessment Appeals Board No. 1, Fifth District.Pass Action details Not available
07-00793 1)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the final recommendation regarding the adoption of the Isla Vista Master Plan and related resolutions and implementing ordinances, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.) Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an ordinance establishing an In-Lieu Parking Fee Program. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
07-00796 2)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an ordinance approving and adopting the second amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the Isla Vista Redevelopment Project., Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
07-00798 3)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding amended Ordinances for Isla Vista, as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.) a) Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an ordinance amending Section 36-6 of the Nuisance Party Ordinance, to become effective 30 days after its passage and adoption; and b) Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an ordinance to amend Sections 6-70.01 and 6.107 and add sections 6-108 and 6-109 of the Santa Barbara County Code Chapter 6 (Loud Music Ban), to become effective 30 days after its passage and adoption. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
07-00768 4)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the response to the Grand Jury Report on "Detention Facilities Inspections", as follows: (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.) a) Adopt the responses as the Board of Supervisors' responses to the 2006-07 Grand Jury Report entitled "Detention Facilities Inspections"; and b) Authorize the Chair to execute the letter forwarding the responses to the Presiding Judge. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
07-00800 5)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the response to the Civil Grand Jury report entitled "Effects of Immigration in Santa Barbara County", as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.) a) Adopt the responses as the Board of Supervisors' responses to the 2006-07 Grand Jury Report entitled "Effects of Immigration in Santa Barbara County: A Balanced Assessment", and b) Authorize the Chair to sign the letter forwarding the responses to the Presiding Judge. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
07-00764 6)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the Development Impact Fees, Annual Reports and Automatic Fee Adjustment, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.) a) Receive the 2006/07 annual reports for the Countywide, Orcutt and Goleta Development Impact Fee programs; and b) Receive the automatic annual fee adjustment of 3.3%, which is based on the increase in the Engineering Construction Cost Index. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Not available
07-00682 7)Agenda ItemHEARING - Approve revisions to the current Neighborhood Traffic Management Policy for use throughout the County. (EST. TIME: 40 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available
07-00563 8)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Amending Chapters 29 and 24A of the Santa Barbara County Code" relating to Stormwater Runoff Controls. (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Not available