Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 3/19/2019 9:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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19-00002  Agenda ItemCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code section 54956.9) Murray, et al. v. County of Santa Barbara, et al., United States District Court for the Central District of California, case number 2:17-cv-08805-GW-JPR. Hample v. Civil Service Commission of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County Superior Court, case number 16CV02220.  Action details Not available
19-00236 A-1)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Local Contractors in Santa Barbara County for Emergency Response Services to the People of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
19-00235 A-2)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution proclaiming the week of March 25 through March 29, 2019 as Tsunami Preparedness Week in Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
19-00239 A-3)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Corinne Basso upon her retirement from the Probation Department after over 23 years of dedicated Service to the Citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
19-00238 A-4)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Lieutenant Colonel Dean Davidge as the March 2019 Veteran of the Month in Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
19-00242 A-5)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Robert Cohen upon his retirement from the Clerk of the Board after over 32 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
19-00241 A-6)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Russ Barker upon his retirement from the County Executive office after over 31 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
19-00237 A-7)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Dianne Black upon her retirement from the Planning and Development Department after over 35 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
19-00240 A-8)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Daniel Reid upon his retirement from the Public Health Department after over 29 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
19-00243 A-9)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Sheriff’s Deputy Christopher Dallenbach upon his retirement from the Sheriff’s office after over 21 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
19-00244 A-10)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Sergeant Mark Alan Williams upon his retirement from the Sheriff’s office after over 21 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
19-00245 A-11)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Senior Deputy Probation Officer April Irving upon her retirement from the Probation Department after over 20 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
19-00226 A-12)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding The University Corporation First Amendment, Fiscal Years 2017-2020, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the First Amendment for Services of Independent Contractor with The University Corporation, a California corporation, (not a local vendor), for cultural competence assessment and training for the Workforce Education and Training (WET)/Southern Counties Regional Partnership (SCRP), to extend the contract term from March 31, 2019 to August 31, 2019 and increase the contract by $24,766.00, for a total contract maximum not to exceed $224,766.00 for the period of March 1, 2018 through August 31, 2019; and b) Determine that the above actions are government fiscal activities that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment, pursuant to section 15378(b)(4) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines.Pass Action details Not available
19-00194 A-13)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding Transitions Mental Health Association AB 2034 Loan, Collateral Substitution, as follows: a) Approve the substitution of collateral property currently located at 1418 South Raven Court in Santa Maria, CA (Raven Court) with replacement collateral property located at 613 North Curryer Street in Santa Maria, CA (Curryer Street), which secures an existing loan in the amount of $125,000.00 of AB 2034 one-time housing grant funds to Transitions Mental Health Association (AB 2034 Loan) to provide affordable housing in the City of Santa Maria with three project units/beds dedicated for a term of thirty (30) years for qualified mentally ill adult clients of the County of Santa Barbara; b) Approve and authorize the Chair and the Director of Behavioral Wellness to execute a First Addendum (Addendum) to the Funding Agreement for AB 2034 One Time Housing Funds Between the County of Santa Barbara and Transitions Mental Health Association (Funding Agreement) (together, the Funding Agreement and Addendum); c) Approve and accept an Amended and Restated ProPass Action details Not available
19-00214 A-14)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Grant Application to the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) for the Goleta Beach Nourishment and Restoration Project, Second District, as follows: a) Adopt a Resolution for authorizations by and designations of the Director of Community Services Department, or designee, as part of the DBW application for the Goleta Beach Nourishment and Restoration Project; and b) Determine that the above recommended actions are not the approval of a project that is subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4), finding that the actions are creation of government funding mechanisms or other government fiscal activities which do not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant impact on the environment.Pass Action details Not available
19-00248 A-15)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Second Amendment extending the term of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Subrecipient Agreement with Cuyama Valley Recreation District (CVRD), Fifth District, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a Second Amendment extending the term of a CDBG Subrecipient Agreement (Agreement) between the County and the CVRD until March 30, 2020; and b) Determine that the recommended actions are not the approval of a project that is subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(4), finding that the actions are not a project as they are the creation of government funding mechanisms or other government fiscal activities which do not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant impact on the environment.Pass Action details Not available
19-00229 A-16)Agenda ItemApprove Budget Revision Requests (SEE EXHIBIT A POSTED WITH AGENDA). (4/5 Vote Required).Pass Action details Not available
19-00100 A-17)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding the re-ratification of Proclamations of Local Emergencies related to the Thomas Fire/Storm Incident, as follows: a) Adopt a Resolution re-ratifying the Proclamations of Local Emergencies related to the Thomas Fire/Storm Incident that exist in Santa Barbara County pursuant to Government Code Section 8630(c); b) Direct the Office of Emergency Management to return within 60 days for re-ratification of the Emergency until such time that the response and recovery conditions dictate otherwise; and c) Determine the above actions are not a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15378(b)(5) of the CEQA Guidelines, because the actions consist of organizational or administrative activities of the government that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment.Pass Action details Not available
19-00221 A-18)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding a First Amendment to the Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and Crossroads Staffing for Temporary Personnel Services, as follows: a) Approve, ratify and authorize the Chair to execute the First Amendment to Board Contract No. BC19071; the amendment increases the contract amount by $50,000.00 for the remainder of the current Fiscal Year and extends the contract term to 6/30/2020 and increases the total contract value by an additional $225,000.00 for a total contract value of $450,000.00; b) Determine that the County’s economic interests are served by such a contract, pursuant to Government Code Section 31000.4, by meeting immediate administrative staffing needs that arise suddenly and cannot be met through the County’s extra help hiring process; and c) Determine pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4) that the above action is a government fiscal activity which does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the Pass Action details Not available
19-00234 A-19)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding Position Allocation Changes in Human Resources, as follows: a) Adopt a Resolution to change existing position allocations in the Human Resources Department, effective on March 25, 2019; and b) Determine that the above actions are not a “project” and are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15378(b)(5), because they are organizational or administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes to the environment.Pass Action details Not available
19-00222 A-20)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding California Coastal Commission Conditional Certification of an Amendment to the Local Coastal Program - Highway 101 HOV: Carpinteria to Santa Barbara (Case Nos. 17GPA-00000-00003 and 18ORD-00000-00004), First District, as follows: a) Adopt a revised Resolution acknowledging receipt of the California Coastal Commission’s Resolution of conditional certification with the suggested modification, accepting and agreeing to the modification, agreeing to issue Coastal Development Permits for the total area included in the conditionally certified Local Coastal Program; and adopting the Local Coastal Program Amendment with the suggested modification; b) Determine that the Board of Supervisors’ action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21080.9. The County relied upon CEQA Guidelines Section 15265 for CEQA review of Case Nos. 17GPA-00000-00003 and 18ORD-00000-00004; and c) Direct the Planning and Development Department to transmit the adopted Resolution to the Executive Director oPass Action details Not available
19-00224 A-21)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Annual Progress Report, as follows: a) Receive and file the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Annual Progress Report; and b) Determine that the annual progress report is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15060(c)(3) and 15378(b)(5).Pass Action details Not available
19-00223 A-22)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Contract with Aspen Environmental Group for Preparation of the Environmental Impact Report for the ERG Operating Company West Cat Canyon Revitalization Plan, Fourth and Fifth Districts, as follows: a) Approve, ratify, and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement BC15157 with Aspen Environmental Group (Aspen), in the amount of $81,560.00 for a total contract not-to-exceed cost of $373,976.00 for additional analyses for the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and for preparation of the Final EIR for ERG’s West Cat Canyon Revitalization Plan project; and b) Determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5), which exempts organizational or administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes to the environment.Pass Action details Not available
19-00220 A-23)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding authorization to submit an application for the Youth Reinvestment Grant (YRG) Program, as follows: a) Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to submit a grant proposal to the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) for the YRG, execute any subsequent Grant Award Agreement, and accept funding if awarded; and b) Determine that the above actions are government fiscal activities or funding mechanisms which do not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment, and are therefore not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15378(b)(4) of the CEQA guidelines.Pass Action details Not available
19-00231 A-24)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding an agreement for County-based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities with the California Department of Health Care Services, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Public Health Department Director, or designee, to sign Agreement 19-96021 and any associated certifications with the California Department of Health Care Services for County-based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022, in the amount of $3,000,000.00; and b) Determine that the recommended action is not a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to CEQA Guideline Section 15378(b)(4), since the recommended action is a government fiscal activity which does not involve commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment.Pass Action details Not available
19-00230 A-25)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding Ravatt Albrecht and Associates, Inc. Professional Services Agreement, as follows: a) Approve, ratify, and authorize the Chair to execute an Agreement with Ravatt Albrecht and Associates, Inc. to provide architectural and engineering services, to expand construction project management services, to increase funding by $57,437.00, and to extend the period of performance for the remodel of Public Health clinics in an amount not to exceed $156,826.68 that includes $99,389.68 under Purchase Contract CN19655, but otherwise cancels, nullifies, and supersedes Purchase Contract CN19655, for the period of May 23, 2016 through June 30, 2020; b) Approve and authorize the Director of Public Health, or designee, to make immaterial changes in accordance with Section 33; and c) Determine that the recommended action is not a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is exempt per CEQA Guideline Section 15378(b)(4) since the recommended action is a government fiscal activity that does not involve commitment to any spPass Action details Not available
19-00227 A-26)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Statement of Final Quantities for the Construction of Goleta Beach Park Bridge (New Br. No. 51C-0358, Old Br. No. 51C-0158), Federal Project No. BRLO-5951(120), County Project No. 862319, Second District, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Statement of Final Quantities for the Construction of Goleta Beach Park Bridge No. 51C-0358 over the Goleta Slough for work performed and materials supplied by M.C.M. Construction, Inc., (not a local vendor), P.O. Box 620, North Highlands, CA 95660, in the amount of $4,881,906.30; and b) Find that pursuant to State California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15162, no substantial changes were proposed, and no new information of substantial importance has come to light regarding environmental effects of the project or of the sufficiency or feasibility of mitigation measures, and therefore the proposed actions are within the scope of the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (13NGD-00000-00018) and Mitigation Monitoring Program adopted by the Board on September 16, 2014,Pass Action details Not available
19-00225 A-27)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Statement of Final Quantities for Construction of the 2017-2018 Preventive Maintenance Project, County Project No. 820682, First, Second, and Third Districts, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Statement of Final Quantities for the 2017-2018 Preventive Maintenance Project for work performed and materials supplied by California Pavement Maintenance Company, Inc., (not a local vendor), 9390 Elder Creek Rd. Sacramento, CA 95829, in the amount of $1,466,679.43; and b) Determine that the project was found by the Board to be exempt from the provisions of California Environmental Quality Act pursuant State Guidelines Section 15301(c) on July 25, 2017, a Notice of Exemption was filed on that basis, and the proposed action is within the scope of that Notice of Exemption.Pass Action details Not available
19-00232 A-28)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Conservation Easement Deed on Laguna County Sanitation District Property, Third District, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required) Acting as the Board of Directors, Laguna County Sanitation District: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Conservation Easement Deed creating and conveying to the State a conservation easement on land owned by Laguna County Sanitation District consisting of APN 113-240-015 (126.70 acres) and a portion of APN 113-240-013 (7.00 acres); and b) Find that on August 14, 2018, the proposed action was found to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 15313, related to the preservation of wildlife habitat.Pass Action details Not available
19-00215 A-29)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the fourth quarter and annual (2018) Medical Grievance Oversight Coordinator Reports, as follows: a) Receive and file the fourth quarter and annual reports for 2018 from the Santa Barbara County Jail’s Medical Grievance Oversight Coordinator; and b) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15378(b) (5), which are organizational or administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes to the environment.Pass Action details Video Video
19-00219 A-30)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Parolee Day Reporting Center Resolution and Agreement with Community Solutions Inc. (CSI), as follows: a) Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Sheriff to enter into an Agreement with CDCR on behalf of the County of Santa Barbara to provide continued services for parolees at the two (2) Day Reporting Centers in the County of Santa Barbara; b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute an Agreement with CSI for the operation of the two (2) parolee Day Reporting Centers in Santa Barbara County in the amount of $2,022,567.00 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-2020; and c) Find that the proposed actions do not constitute a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to 14 CCR 15378(b)(5), in that they are government administrative activities that will not result in direct or indirect changes to the environment.Pass Action details Not available
19-00216 A-31)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding an agreement with eVerge Group, LLC for ongoing support services for human resources management system, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for Services with eVerge Group, LLC in the amount not to exceed $99,950.00 for ongoing support services for the Human Capital Management System for the period of April 1, 2019 through April 1, 2020; b) Authorize the Director of Social Services or designee to re-allocate unused budgeted line item funds not in excess of the total contract amount; and c) Determine that the approval and execution of the Agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), finding that the approval and execution of the Agreement is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment, and where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the environment, the activitiesPass Action details Not available
19-00217 A-32)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Santa Maria-Bonita School District Voter Approved Bond Issuance, as follows: a) Adopt a Resolution Regarding the Issuance of Bonds by the Santa Maria-Bonita School District, the Levy of Taxes and Directing the County Auditor-Controller to Maintain Taxes on the Tax Roll; and b) Determine that the above action does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in potentially significant impact on the environment, and therefore it is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15378 (b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines.Pass Action details Not available
19-00218 A-33)Agenda ItemReceive and file the DNA identification fund report for calendar year 2018.Pass Action details Not available
19-00228 A-34)Appointment/BOS itemConsider recommendations regarding a Proposed Advocacy Support position on H.R. 279 (Carbajal) - California Clean Coast Act of 2019, as follows: a) Take a support advocacy position on H.R. 279 (Carbajal) - California Clean Coast Act of 2019 and direct staff to draft a letter stating the Board’s support position to the congressional author, members of Congress including, but not limited to, the federal legislative delegation, and appropriate committee chairs; and authorize the Chair to sign said letter; and b) Determine that the recommended actions do not constitute a project subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5), finding that the project is an organizational or administrative activity of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment, and direct staff to file a Notice of Exemption.Pass Action details Video Video
19-00247 A-35)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the reappointment of Sharon Rumberger to the Behavioral Wellness Commission, term ending January 1, 2022, Second District.Pass Action details Not available
19-00246 A-36)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Cindy Douglas as an Alternate member on the Agricultural Advisory Committee, term ending December 31, 2020, Third District.Pass Action details Not available
19-00212 A-37)Agenda ItemConsider recommendations regarding an amendment to Chapter 50 - Licensing of Commercial Cannabis Operations Ordinance, as follows: a) Consider the adoption (Second Reading) of an Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Barbara amending Chapter 50 to the Santa Barbara County Code, Licensing of Commercial Cannabis Operations; and b) Make the required California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings and determine for the purposes of CEQA that: i) These actions are within the scope of the Cannabis Land Use Ordinance and Licensing Program, and the Cannabis Land Use Ordinance and Licensing Program Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) [Case No. 17EIR-00000-00003, State Clearinghouse No. 2017071016] adequately describes this activity for the purposes of CEQA; and ii) Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15162(a), after considering the PEIR certified by the Board of Supervisors on February 6, 2018, that no subsequent EIR or Negative Declaration is required because: i) no substantial changes are proposed which require major revisions of thePass Action details Not available
19-00213 A-38)Departmental AgendaHEARING - Consider the Patterson Avenue Holdings New Office Appeal (Case No. 18APL-00000-00022) filed by Paul Bradford, Appellant, of the Planning Commission’s December 5, 2018 approval of Case Nos. 16DVP-00000-00013 and 16BAR-00000-00154, Second District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 40 MIN.) a) Uphold the appeal, Case No. 18APL-00000-00022; b) Make the required findings for denial of the project, Case Nos. 16DVP-00000-00013 and 16BAR-00000-00154, including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings; c) Determine that the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to the State CEQA Guidelines Section 15270; and d) Deny de novo Case Nos. 16DVP-00000-00013 and 16BAR-00000-00154; Alternatively, if your Board wishes to deny the appeal and uphold the project, staff recommends that you take the following actions: a) Deny the appeal, Case No. 18APL-00000-00022; b) Make the required findings for approval of the project, Case Nos. 16DVP-00000-00013 and 16BAR-00000-00154, included as Attachment 1 to the Board Agenda Letter dated June 4, 2019, including CEQA findings; c) Determine thatPass Action details Not available
19-00249 1)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Extra Help Services and Retirement Waiver for the Chief Deputy Clerk of the Board Position, as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.) a) In accordance with California Government Code Section 7522.56(f)(1), certify that the appointment of retired County employee Michael Allen is necessary to fill a critical need in the Clerk of the Board Division of the County Executive Office before 180 days have passed from his date of retirement; b) Approve and authorize the County Executive Office to appoint retired employee Michael Allen, effective March 25, 2019, as an Extra Help employee to provide administrative support on a part-time basis not to exceed 960 hours of annual service; and c) Determine that the above actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15378(b)(4) and 15378(b)(5) because they consist of government administrative or fiscal activities that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Video Video
19-00208 2)Agenda ItemHEARING - Receive and file the Commission for Women’s 2019 Women’s History Month Service Awards Presentation. (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Video Video
19-00099 3)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the termination of the Proclamation of Local Emergency Caused by Drought Conditions, as follows: (EST. TIME: 20 MIN.) a) Adopt a Resolution Terminating the Proclamation of Local Emergency Caused by Drought Conditions that exist in Santa Barbara County pursuant to Government Code Section 8630(c); and b) Adopt a Resolution of Concern Regarding A Prolonged Water Supply Shortage Within Santa Barbara County, in response to concerns by local water purveyors; and c) Determine the above actions are not a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15378(b)(5) of the CEQA Guidelines, because the actions consist of organizational or administrative activities of the government that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Video Video
19-00089 4)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the initiation of Annexation of APN 097-371-010 (Oak Hills Estate Tract Map 14,810) to the Santa Barbara North County Lighting District and establishing a Zone of Benefit, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 10 MIN.) a) Receive testimony of any written protests or support; b) Count the written property owner ballot(s); and c) Adopt the Resolution creating a zone of benefit for Oak Hills Estate (Tract Map 14,810) within the Santa Barbara North County Lighting District and imposing an annual assessment for streetlighting services should there not be a majority protest; and d) Find that the adoption of Resolutions to initiate formation and forming a zone benefit assessment is statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant 14 CCR 15378(b)(4) in that they are for the creation of government funding mechanisms which do not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Video Video
19-00210 5)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding an Electric Vehicle Update, as follows: (EST. TIME: 30 MIN.) a) Receive and file the Santa Barbara County Electric Vehicle Report; b) Provide direction to staff to further investigate options and associated costs of reducing County Fleet fuel usage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions; and c) Determine that the proposed actions are not a “project” as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378(b) (5), as it is an administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: APPROVEPass Action details Video Video
19-00209 6)Agenda ItemHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Proposed Capital Projects for Consideration of Financing Strategies, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.) a) Provide staff with a finalized list of Capital Projects and direct the General Services Director to coordinate with the County Executive Office to develop financing strategies; and b) Determine that the proposed actions do not constitute a “project” as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to 15378(b) (5), as it is an administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes to the environment. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Video Video